On the Subject of Fur Cipher
OwO you’re so warm :3
This module contains 3 screens, a keyboard, 2 arrows, and a submit button that displays the current page you’re on.
Pressing the left or right arrow takes you to the previous or next page. There are 2 pages.
To disarm the module, decrypt a word using the following three steps. Once you have the decrypted word, type it in using the keyboard. When you start typing, the screens go blank and the bottom screen will show what you are typing.
To clear your input, click one of the arrows.
Once you are satisfied with your input, press the button labeled “UwU” to submit your answer.
Step 1: OwO Cipher
For this step you will need the middle display on page 1 called Key 1 and the bottom display on page 1 called Key 2.
For each letter in Key 1, consider the Base36 character in the same position in the serial number. Take the serial number character modulo 3 and place this many instances of the letter in Key 1. Follow this up with a W and add more instances of the letter in Key 1 until you have a total of 3 characters. Write each created string of 3 characters below the previous.
Next read the Letters column by column from left to right and split them up into 6 groups of 3.
Add up all letters alphabetical position in a group in addition to the corresponding letter in Key 2. Subtract 26 till in range 1–26 and convert back to a letter, this is your first Keyword KW1.
Serial Number: VD3QK1