On the Subject of Futuristic Combo Lock

Wait, you rotate that thing with buttons? We can do better.

This module consists of a combination lock with ten selectable regions, and two digits in the center. Use them alongside the information about the bomb to determine the combination which solves the module.

Step 1: Generating a digit sequence

Take some infomation about the bomb and the module to obtain numbers, then put them all together in the manner visualized below to get a long sequence of digits. These numbers are allowed to have multiple digits, but not leading zeros unless otherwise stated (zero by itself, however, stays as zero).

For every indicator present:• First number is a 1 if it’s lit, 0 otherwise.• Rest of the numbers are each letter, in order, converted using A1Z26.• All lit indicators in alphabetical order of their labels go before all unlit indicators in alphabetical order of their labels. For every Serial Number character:• Convert letters using A1Z26.• Numbers stay as-is. For every port plate present:• Use the diagram below to determine the order and digits used for the port plate.• Roman numerals represent the order (I first, XIX last), while Arabic numerals represent the number used. Includesparallel port Includesserial port IncludesStereo RCAport IncludesPS/2 port IncludesDVI-D port VI 36 VII 37 XIII 26 First digiton the module Number of moduleson the bomb(including needies) Number of minutes thatwere on the bomb whenthe lights turned on Number ofbatterieson the bomb Number ofbattery holderson the bomb Last digiton the module IncludesRJ-45 port X 25 XII 21 XI 28 V 34 VIII 35 XVI 12 XVII 16 IX 23 XIV 24 II 18 I 27 III 16 IV 49 XV 14 XVIII 15 XIX 0

Step 2: Back and forth conversion

Repeat the following steps on your sequence of digits until you are left with five digits. Once this happens, immediately move on to Step 3.

  • If your sequence alternates between even and odd digits, convert the middle digit (or digits) to nine minus that digit.
  • If this is your first run through this list, process through the digits from left to right. Otherwise, process in the direction opposite of the previous run.
  • Start with the first pair of digits at the start of the specified end, and check the following condition, converting the pairs that apply, until there are no more pairs of digits.
  • If the parity of both digits in your pair match, observe the wheel below. Find the smallest set of wedges which start at the first digit and end at the second, and take the digit in the middle of this set. Convert your pair into this digit. Once converted, your next pair is the two after the converted digit.
  • If the above condition did not apply, your next pair is the two after the first digit of your current pair.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Step 3: Submitting your input

The wheel on the previous page also shows the numbers assigned to each selectable region on the combination lock. Your sequence of five digits is your combination.

  • Click on the region corresponding to the first digit of the combination.
  • Move your mouse clockwise around the lock until your mouse is over the second digit of the combination. If this digit was the same as the previous one, you have to go all the way around the lock. This is also the case for future movements.
  • Move counter-clockwise until you reach the third digit, then clockwise until you reach the fourth, and finally counter-clockwise until you reach the fifth.
  • Deselecting the module after doing the steps above on the correct combination will solve the module.
  • Failure to input the correct combination will make a resetting sound but not strike.
  • Your input will not be considered valid if all the in-between regions were hovered over in the incorrect order. In other words, going across the middle of the combination lock, skipping regions, is not valid.