On the Subject of Go

It’s best you... go... defuse this bomb...?

This module contains a Go board and various black or white stones randomly placed on the points board. Determine which color goes first and who should place stones that would result in a capture.

Determining who goes first

  • Take the stones around the border of the board and count the number of stones of each color.
  • If there are more black stones around the border than white stones, black must go first.
  • If there are more white stones around the border than black stones, white must go first.
  • Click any stone of the desired color to select who goes first.

Determining the starting position

  • Take the third digit of the serial number. This is the column in which the stone must be placed in. (from left to right)
  • Take the sixth digit of the serial number. This is the row in which the stone must be placed in. (from top to bottom)
  • If either number is zero, you may place the stone in any position of that row or column.
  • Place the stone in the desired position.
  • After the first stone has been placed, if you need to see whose turn it is, click on any stone, and the indicated player’s stones will be highlighted.

Capturing stones

  • If the battery count is even, black must capture. If it is odd, white must capture. If the wrong color captures, a strike will be incurred and the board will reset.
  • A stone or group of stones is captured and removed from the board when all the intersections directly orthogonal to it are occupied by the other color’s stones.
  • A self capture is a capture in which a stone placed by a player results in that own player being captured. This is always an illegal move. Even if this results in the correct color getting the capture, a strike will be incurred, and the board will reset.