On the Subject of Greek Letter Grids

It’s not an “upside-down L” anymore!

  • There are 3 colored Greek letters on this module (out of a possible 18) on a 4×4 grid labeled ABCD along the x axis and 1234 along the y axis.
  • Follow the rules in order prioritizing top to bottom to determine which positions each letter should be in.
  • Refer to the included Greek alphabet if necessary.
  • Pressing the submit button when a letter is in the improper place will yield a strike and give you 3 new letters to move.
  • Select a letter by clicking it and move the selected letter with the arrow keys on the module.

Uppercase Alpha

  1. If a lowercase sigma is on this module, move this letter to A4.
  2. Otherwise, if the color of this letter is yellow, move this letter to B1.
  3. Otherwise, if there is an unlit indicator with either the label SND or IND, move this letter to D3.
  4. Otherwise, if the other 2 letters are the same color, move this letter to C3.
  5. Otherwise, leave this letter in its initial position.

Lowercase Alpha

  1. If this letter’s initial position is in the D column, move this letter 2 spaces to the left.
  2. Otherwise, if the bomb has 3 or more batteries, move this letter to D1.
  3. Otherwise, if this letter is green AND there is a delta on the module (either upper or lowercase), move this letter to C2.
  4. Otherwise, if the bomb has a lit CLR indicator on it, move this letter to A1.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to A3.

Uppercase Beta

  1. If this letter is cyan, move this letter to D1.
  2. Otherwise, if this letter was found in row 3, move this letter up 1 space.
  3. Otherwise if there is a lowercase letter on the module AND the last digit of the serial number is odd, move this letter to B4.
  4. Otherwise if there is a green uppercase letter on the module, move this letter to C2.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to C4.

Lowercase Beta

  1. If this letter starts in A3, move this letter 1 space down and 2 to the right.
  2. Otherwise, if a white letter starts in the A column ("a letter" includes this letter), move this letter to A2.
  3. Otherwise, if this letter is magenta or cyan, move this letter to D4.
  4. Otherwise, if there is a DVI-D port and there is NOT an RJ-45 port, move this letter to B2.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to B1.

Uppercase Gamma

  1. If a letter in the serial number is in the first half of the alphabet, move this letter to D2.
  2. Otherwise, if there is an empty port plate, move this letter to C2.
  3. Otherwise, if all letters on this module are magenta, move this letter to A1.
  4. Otherwise, if this letter is cyan AND starts in row 4, move this letter up 2 spaces.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to A2.

Lowercase Gamma

  1. If the letter theta is present (any case, any color), move this letter to C1.
  2. Otherwise, if this letter is NOT cyan AND the serial number contains a vowel, move this letter to B3.
  3. Otherwise, if this letter starts in the C column, move this letter 1 spaces left (2 spaces if the last digit of the serial number is less than or equal to 4).
  4. Otherwise, if the last digit of the serial number is prime, move this letter to D3.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to D4.

Uppercase Delta

  1. If there is a Stereo RCA port, move this letter to B2.
  2. Otherwise, if the number of batteries is greater than the last digit of the serial number, move this letter to A3.
  3. Otherwise, if this letter is neither yellow nor magenta, move this letter to D4.
  4. Otherwise, if there is a green lowercase omega on the module, move this letter to A1.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to C1.

Lowercase Delta

  1. If this letter is the only lowercase letter on the module, move this letter to C3.
  2. Otherwise, if the last digit of the serial number + the number of solved modules is greater than 10, move this letter to B3.
  3. Otherwise, if a letter starts in A3, move it there.
  4. Otherwise, if this letter is the only cyan letter on the module, move this letter to B4.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to C2.

Uppercase Theta

  1. If the number of D batteries is greater than the number of AA batteries, move this letter to A4.
  2. Otherwise, if there is an unlit CAR indicator, move this letter to a space in the B column, where the correct row is the last digit of the serial number modulo 4 and then added to 1.
  3. Otherwise, if the 3 colors of the module are all unique, move this letter to a space in the D column, where the correct row is the number of port plates modulo 4 and then added to 1.
  4. Otherwise, if there is also a lowercase theta on the module, move this letter to D1.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to B2.

Lowercase Theta

  1. If this letter starts in a row unique to the other 2 letters, move this letter to D3.
  2. Otherwise, if this letter is white, move this letter to a space in the C column, where the correct space is the current number of strikes modulo 4 and then added to 1.
  3. Otherwise, if the number of solved modules is less than or equal to the number of current strikes, leave this letter where it is.
  4. Otherwise, if there is a PS/2 port or any duplicate ports of any type, move this letter to B1.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to A2. This will only count as correct if the number of minutes is odd.

Uppercase Lambda

  1. If the serial number contains an A, move this letter to A1.
  2. Otherwise, if the serial number contains a B, move this letter to B1.
  3. Otherwise, if the serial number contains a D, move this letter to D1.
  4. If the serial number contains an L or an M, move this letter to C1.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to C4.

Lowercase Lambda

  1. If there are two or more lit indicators, move this letter to D3.
  2. Otherwise, if this letter shares a color with only 1 other letter on the module, move this letter to B2.
  3. Otherwise, if there are more batteries than port plates, move this letter to A1.
  4. Otherwise, if one letter on the module is yellow (not this letter), move this letter to the yellow letter’s correct space.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to D1.

Uppercase Pi

  1. If it’s Pi Day (March 14), leave this letter where it is.
  2. Otherwise, if there is either a P or an I in the serial number, move this letter to B4.
  3. Otherwise, if this letter starts in the same row as another letter, move this letter to D2.
  4. Otherwise, if this letter starts in one of the corners of the grid, move this letter to A3.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to a space in column A where the correct space is the number of minutes on the timer modulo 4 and added to 1.

Lowercase Pi

  1. If the last digit of the serial number is either 3, 1, or 4, leave this letter where it is.
  2. Otherwise, if the number of battery holders is either 3, 1, or 4, move this letter to a row in the D column, where the correct row is the number of battery holders.
  3. Otherwise, if the number of indicators (both lit and unlit) is either 3, 1, or 4, move this letter to a row in the B column, where the correct row is the number of indicators.
  4. Otherwise, if the number of solved modules is either 3, 1, or 4, move this letter to a row in the C column, where the correct row is the number of solved modules.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to C3.

Uppercase Sigma**

  1. If the number of batteries plus the number of current strikes is greater than or equal to 5, move this letter to A4.
  2. Otherwise, if the number of lit indicators plus the number of port plates is greater than or equal to 5, move this letter to C2.
  3. Otherwise, if the number of unlit indicators plus the last digit of the serial number is greater than or equal to 5, move this letter to B1.
  4. Otherwise, if the number of solved modules plus the number of battery holders is greater than or equal to 5, move this letter to D1.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to B3.
**Ignore all rules and leave the letter in its initial spot if there is a lit SIG indicator.

Lowercase Sigma**

  1. If this letter is green, move this letter to B1.
  2. Otherwise, if there is a parallel port, move this letter to B4.
  3. Otherwise, if one and only one of the other letters is an uppercase lambda on the module, move this letter to the initial position of the uppercase lambda.
  4. Otherwise, if this letter starts in the fourth row, leave this letter in its initial spot.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to A1.
**Ignore all rules and leave the letter in its initial spot if there is a lit SIG indicator.

Uppercase Omega

  1. If this letter is magenta, move this letter to C4.
  2. Otherwise, if the serial number contains a Z, move this letter to D2.
  3. Otherwise, if there is an uppercase alpha on the module, move this letter to A3.
  4. Otherwise, if the last digit of the serial number is not prime, move this letter to B3.
  5. Otherwise, move this letter to D1.

Lowercase Omega

  1. If this letter starts in C4, move this letter 2 spaces up and 1 to the left.
  2. Otherwise, if the serial number contains a W, move this letter to A2.
  3. Otherwise, if there are 0 batteries, move this letter to C3.
  4. Otherwise, if this letter is cyan AND only one of the other letters is white, move this letter to D4.
  5. Otherwise, leave this letter in its initial position.

Letters That Can Appear
