On the Subject of Hexiom

That one flash game in the past? He brought it here. Without that one track.

This module consists of a cut backing and a hexagonal grid with a three tile radius. Each tile is either a tile with a number on the hexagon, an empty tile with an inset for placing tiles, a locked tile with a number on the hexagon, or an empty flat tile. To distinguish between an inset tile and an empty flat tile, the inset tile will have a darker color versus the empty flat tile. To distinguish between a locked numbered tile and a swappable numbered tile, the locked numbered tile will have arms connecting to the corners of the numbered tile.

To disarm the module, make ALL the numbered tiles glow yellow. A numbered tile will glow red if there are more adjacent tiles surrounding than the number required, green if there are fewer adjacent tiles, or yellow otherwise.

Click and drag an unlocked numbered tile to a position where the numbered tile has exactly the number of adjacent tiles shown. Numbered tiles cannot be placed on empty flat tiles or swapped with locked numbered tiles. They can only be swapped with another numbered tile or placed in an inset tile.

There may be more than one solution where all of the numbered tiles are glowing yellow.

If colorblind mode is enabled on this module, an extra symbol will be appended to all numbered tiles that are present. The symbol appended will be “>” if there are more adjacent tiles surrounding than the number required, “<” if there are fewer adjacent tiles, or “=” otherwise.

To reset the puzzle, the bottom-right button can be pressed to reset the puzzle. This will NOT generate a new puzzle.