On the Rearrangement of Historical Phrases

“Who wants to read a book when you can blow something up?” ― Rick Yancey

This module has a piece of paper on it that displays a famous historical quote and six buttons labeled with various inspirational words.

Use the dichotomous key table below to determine which button to press. Start at key 0.

0Does the quote have more than 7 E’s?
YESGo to 1.
NOGo to 11.
1Does the bomb have more than 2 batteries?
YESGo to 2.
NOGo to 7.
2Does the quote have 9–14 words?
YESGo to 3.
NOGo to 4.
3Does the quote have fewer than 4 S’s?
YESPress the first button.
NOPress the fourth button.
4Does the quote have an odd number of R’s?
YESGo to 5.
NOGo to 6.
5Does the quote have an double letter?
YESPress the second button.
NOPress the third button.
6Does the quote have fewer than 4 S’s?
YESPress the third button.
NOPress the second button.
7Does the quote have an odd number of R’s?
YESGo to 8.
NOGo to 9.
8Does the quote have a comma?
YESPress the fifth button.
NOPress the second button.
9Does the quote have fewer than 15 words?
YESPress the first button.
NOGo to 10.
10Does the bomb have a lit indicator labelled CAR?
YESPress the second button.
NOPress the sixth button.
11Does the author’s name have a double-letter?
YESGo to 12.
NOGo to 29.
12Does the quote have a comma?
YESGo to 13.
NOGo to 20.
13Does the bomb have a lit indicator labelled CAR?
YESGo to 14.
NOGo to 18.
14Does the quote have an odd number of R’s?
YESGo to 15.
NOGo to 16.
15Does the quote have 9–14 words?
YESPress the fifth button.
NOPress the third button.
16Does the quote have 9–14 words?
YESGo to 17.
NOPress the third button.
17Does the quote contain fewer than 4 S’s?
YESPress the sixth button.
NOPress the second button.
18Does the quote have fewer than 10 words?
YESPress the first button.
NOGo to 19.
19Does the quote have fewer than 4 S’s?
YESPress the fifth button.
NOPress the third button.
20Does the bomb have a vowel in the serial number?
YESGo to 21.
NOGo to 24.
21Does the quote have an odd number of R’s?
YESGo to 22.
NOGo to 23.
22Does the quote have 9–14 words?
YESPress the fourth button.
NOPress the fifth button.
23Does the quote have fewer than 4 S’s?
YESPress the second button.
NOPress the fourth button.
24Does the quote have 9–14 words?
YESGo to 25.
NOGo to 28.
25Does the quote have fewer than 4 S’s?
YESPress the first button.
NOGo to 26.
26Does the quote have an odd number of R’s?
YESPress the third button.
NOGo to 27.
27Does the bomb have more than 2 batteries?
YESPress the sixth button.
NOPress the fourth button.
28Does the quote have more than 5 E’s?
YESPress the first button.
NOPress the fourth button.
29Does the bomb have a vowel in the serial number?
YESGo to 30.
NOGo to 34.
30Does the quote have 9–14 words?
YESGo to 31.
NOPress the sixth button.
31Does the quote have an odd number of R’s?
YESGo to 32.
NOGo to 33.
32Does the bomb have a lit indicator labelled CAR?
YESPress the first button.
NOPress the fifth button.
33Does the quote have a comma?
YESPress the fourth button.
NOPress the second button.
34Does the quote have a comma?
YESGo to 35.
NOGo to 36.
35Does the bomb have more than 2 batteries?
YESPress the first button.
NOPress the sixth button.
36Does the quote have fewer than 4 S’s?
YESGo to 37.
NOGo to 38.
37Does the quote have fewer than 10 words?
YESPress the fifth button.
NOPress the fourth button.
38Does the quote have more than 5 E’s?
YESPress the sixth button.
NOPress the third button.