On the Subject of Iconic

Hey, you ever seen these pixelated images on this website about defusing bombs? Yeah me neither.

This module consists of a big display with a module icon on it and a smaller display which may display a name of a part of the module shown.

Whenever a new module is solved, the icon for that module will be added to the queue. The icon shown on the module will always be the one at the beginning of the queue.

When an icon for a module is shown, it will have the name of a part of that module shown at the top. Select any pixel that is within the part of the module displayed to avoid a strike. Selecting a pixel will always remove that module from the queue.

Not all modules will have an icon to show. When this happens, it will show a “Blank module” icon instead. Modules supported by Iconic can be found here.

Some modules are ignored by Iconic, however once all non-ignored modules are solved, the icons for the ignored modules will be added to the queue. Iconic icons will only show up if there are multiple Iconics on the bomb. Similarly, if any needy modules appear on the bomb, their icons will be added to the queue when the bomb starts.