On the Subject of Lousy Chess
It’s like playing random moves. Only worse.
Two lousy chess engines are playing against each other. It’s up to you to predict their moves and finish the game.
The variant played is MinitChess. It’s different from regular chess in the following ways:

- Smaller board with less pieces — see diagram.
- Bishops can also move to an adjacent empty square, allowing them to change color.
- No double pawn moves or “en passant”, no castling, pawn promotion always to queen.
- No “check” or “stalemate”, victory by king capture.
- No draw by repetition or number of moves after capture.
- Draw after 40 moves by each side.
On the display you can see the white engine’s letter code and seed number, the black engine’s letter code and seed number, and the current move. Check which pieces are selectable to determine whose turn it is. Freely use the FULL/FLAT button to switch between two sets of pieces.
Make a move by first selecting a piece, then selecting its destination. Keep playing moves until the game is finished. Selecting the incorrect piece or destination will result in a strike.