On the Subject of Marble Tumbles

Left. Left! ... No, the other left!

A Marble Tumble features a marble that starts at the top, and 5 concentric cylinders each of which has two holes in it. The smaller hole is a trap, which incurs a strike and resets the module if the marble lands in it, while the other allows the marble to proceed down one level. To defuse the module, the marble must reach the center.

When tapped, the module rotates the cylinders clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on the last digit of the seconds on the countdown timer. The following table shows which cylinder moves how many notches and in which direction. One notch equates to an angle of 36°.

Last seconds digit Cylinder color
Red Yellow Green Blue Silver
0 1 CCW 1 CW 2 CCW none 2 CW
1 2 CCW 1 CW 2 CW 1 CCW none
2 1 CW none 2 CW 2 CCW 1 CCW
3 none 1 CCW 2 CCW 1 CW 2 CW
4 2 CW none 1 CW 1 CCW 2 CCW
5 1 CW 2 CCW 1 CCW 2 CW none
6 2 CCW 2 CW none 1 CW 1 CCW
7 none 1 CCW 1 CW 2 CW 2 CCW
8 1 CCW 2 CW none 2 CCW 1 CW
9 2 CW 2 CCW 1 CCW none 1 CW