On the Subject of Monsplode Trading Cards
A Bob in the hand is worth two in... the Buhar?
- Based on the 3 Monsplode™ Trading Cards in your hand, correctly accept or decline 3 trade offers using the “Keep” and “Trade” buttons above the cards.
- Each card will display a Monsplode, a rarity symbol, and a Print Version.
- Your hand is shown on the left. Cycle through the cards using the left/right buttons in order to select the one you wish to trade. The offer is shown on the right.
- An incorrect action will result in a strike, but if you attempted a trade you will still keep the card you received during that action.
Calculating a Card’s Rarity Value
1. Identify the card’s initial value: Using the “Initial Value Reference Table”, find the row that contains your Monsplode’s™ name. Determine which of the following formats the first two characters of bomb’s serial number are in:
XX (e.g. KT, NE),
X# (e.g. C4, H8),
#X (e.g. 2A, 5D),
## (e.g. 20, 17)
This will give you your card’s initial value.
2. Adjust the card’s value: Look at the “Print Version” at the left side of the card. For each indicator on the bomb that contains the letter of the Print Version, add 1 to the card’s value if it’s lit and subtract 1 if it’s unlit. Continue adjusting the card’s value using the rules below:
If the bomb has no batteries, keep the card’s current value.
Otherwise, if the numeral of the Print Version is greater than the amount of batteries on the bomb, add 1 to the card’s current value.
Otherwise, if the numeral of the Print Version is less than the amount of batteries on the bomb, subtract 1 from the card’s current value.
Otherwise, add 2 to the card’s current value.
If the Print Version’s numeral is equal to the alphabetic position of its letter, the card is fake and has 0 value. This overrides everything.