On the Subject of Naming Conventions

You could call the act of naming Naming Conventions Naming “Naming Conventions”, what would you call the act of naming that? Well, the Naming “Naming Naming Conventions”, of course. You can string together any number of “Namings” and always create a sensible, though clunky title.

  • The module contains 7 buttons, each with a label.
  • Excluding the top button, the buttons will flicker between 2 labels on a timer tick.
  • Pressing these buttons will cause them to change to the other label.
  • Set all buttons to the following table, referencing the first button label.
  • Press the top button when all other buttons follow the convention of the top button to solve the module.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Object Name Notation Plural Suffix Abbreviation Char Mask Underscores
Class PascalCase False True False Alphameric False
Constructor** PascalCase False True False Alphameric False
Method PascalCase True False False Alphameric False
Argument camelCase True False True Alphameric False
Local camelCase True False True Alphameric False
Constant PascalCase False False False Alphameric False
Field camelCase True False True Alphameric True
Property PascalCase True False True Alphameric False
Delegate PascalCase False True True Numeric False
Enum PascalCase True False False Numeric False

* Buttons are ordered by appearance, top-to-bottom.

** As the buttons can only display up to 10 letters, 1 of its letters are dropped.