On the Subject of Neptune

The beings from out here may or may not have been responsible for the value at address $00C258C0 being changed from 0xC5837800 to 0xC4837800 on a Nintendo 64 console on September 21st, 2013.

This module shows a small scale version of the planet Neptune. If there is a standard module background, or the planet shown is not Neptune, you are looking at the wrong module. Pressing the sphere near the status light will make the planet disappear, until said sphere is pressed again.

This planet contains within it a bootleg of Super Mario 64. Your goal is to get the star present on the module. Unfortunately, the A button is broken. This is significant because that makes Mario jump. Fortunately for you though, you can use RNG manipulation to put enemies wherever you like to get to the star without pressing A.

The text on the bottom half of the planet represents a star. Find that within the Star Tables below to get a sequence of enemies. Then for each enemy, find them in the Enemy Table to get conditions the RNG value must satisfy. Then using the spheres on the edge of the planet, manipulate this RNG value to satisfy each enemy’s condition in order. Each enemy on the module is represented by a coin. Refer to the RNG Manipulation instructions below. Pressing the sphere in the middle will send the RNG value to the console. The module will strike if any enemy’s condition is not satisfied. Once all enemies have been manipulated correctly, the module will solve.

RNG Manipulation

The RNG value is a 5-digit number on the top half of the planet. Pressing the spheres on the surface will modify this value in a different manner:

  • Convert all digits to 9 minus that digit.
  • For each of the last 4 digits, add the first digit to it, then modulo 10.
  • For each of the last 4 digits, multiply it by the first digit, then modulo 10.
  • Shift all digits to the left, wrapping the first digit around to the last position.

Important Restrictions:

  1. The RNG value initially displayed cannot be used by any enemy.
  2. Two enemies cannot use the same RNG value.

Star Tables

The tables immediately below show which enemies need to be manipulated to avoid pressing A for each star. Note that each enemy’s representation in these tables has been shortened to save space.

Main Stars

#1#2#3#4#5#6100 Coins
BoBB+Kp+G, BG, B, CCG, BG, BG, Kp, B
WFWh, Wh+G, B, PP, Wh↖ Ø ←Wh, ThWh, Wh+← Ø ↗PP, Wh
JRB↘ Ø ↗Cl, EeCl, GCl↘ Ø ↗Cl, GCl, G
CCM→ Ø ↘Pg-Pg+Sd, MBSn, SdSd← Ø ↓
BBHBo, Bo+S, Bk, Bo, Bo+Bo, Bo+, BkPn, Bk, Bo, Bo+S, Bo, Bo+, BkS, Bo, Bo+, Bk, MIMI, Bo, Bo+, Pn, Bk
HMCMP, SS, SwS, DrS, Sf, SwS, Sf, SwSw, SS, MI, Sw, Sf
LLLBl+Bl, Bl+↓ Ø ↘↘ Ø ↓↓ Ø ↙BlMI, Bl
SSLKl← Ø →↙ N/A →F, B, Pk, G, EyF↙ N/A →B, F, Pk, G, TB, Gr
DDD↘ Ø ↓Cl↘ N/A ↗↙ Ø ↑MR↙ Ø ↗← N/A ↑
SLSd, FBl*SdSdSdSd, GSd, MB, Mn, F
TTMFw, F, MM, B, GUk← Ø ↓↗ Ø ↙↑ Ø ↘↑ Ø ↓G, Cy
THIG-, PPG-, PPG-, PP, Kp+, G+G-, PP↑ N/A →G-, PP, Cy, WgG-, PP
TTCHH, Cy, B, FSF, B, FS↓ Ø ↘Pg-, B, FS, HH, ThF, B, FS→ Ø ↑B
RRF, LkF, Lk, BF, LkLk, B, F, GLk, B, FF, Lk, CyF, Lk, B

Not Main Stars

Secret→ N/A →→ Ø →B, G, Bw, F, Pk, FS→ Ø ← S, Dr, Sf← Ø ←← N/A ←
MIPS 1MIPS 2Toad 1Toad 2Toad 3
CastleMPMP← Ø ←← Ø ←← Ø ←
BowserG, Bw← N/A →F, Lk, B, FS, G, Bw

Important Note: If the table cell has Ø or N/A, use one of the arrows present in that cell. Use the left if the Serial Number is odd, or right if the Serial Number is even. Then keep going in that direction within the table until you reach a cell that is not Ø or N/A.

Enemy Table

The table below shows what conditions the RNG value must satisfy for each enemy. The shortened version of each enemy’s name from the Star Tables are included for convenience. In this table, letters a–e represent the digits in the RNG value from left to right. “%” in this table means “modulo”. Sequences of letters in square brackets should be treated as those digits in order concatenated.

Abbr. NameConditionAbbr. NameCondition
B Bob-omb32768 < RNG < 65536Kp+ Koopa the Quick16384 > RNG
F Fly Guya+b+c+d+e ≤ 20MB Mr. Blizzard[ab] + [cd] = 100
G Goombaa+b+c+d+e ≥ 24Pn Pianoa×b×c×d×e ≠ 0
S Scuttlebuga < b < c < d < eWh+ King Whompa×b < d×e
Sd Spindrifta > b > c > d > eB+ King Bob-omb32768 > RNG
Cy Chuckyaa+b = d+eBl* Chill Bully256 < [bcd] < 728
Lk Lakitua+b+c+d = eCC Chain Chomp[eca] % 111 = 0
PP Piranha Plant[abc] % d = eEe Eel[ab] % [cd] = e
Bo Boo[ad] = [be]Ey Eyeroka < b < c > d > e
Bo+ Big Boo[abc] = [cde]Fw Fwoosha > b > c < d < e
HH Heave-Hoa×b×c = [de]G+ Grand Goombaa+b+c+d+e ≥ 36
Bk Bookend[ab] - [cd] = eGr GrindelRNG % 7 = 3
G- Micro Goombaa+b+c+d+e ≥ 12Kl Kleptoa+b+c = [de]
Cl Clam[ab] / [cd] = eKp Koopa[bc] = 0
FS Fire Spitter[bed] = 222MM Monty Molea-b+c-d+e < 0
Wh Whompa×b > d×eMn Moneybaga×b×c×d×e > 255
MI Mr. Ic = 0, a×b×d×e ≠ 0MR Manta Raya×e = b×d
Sf SnufitRNG % c = 6Pg- Baby Penguin1996 > RNG
Sw Swooper[ab] = [cd] × ePg+ Big Penguin98004 < RNG
Bw Bowsera×b×c×d×e = 64Sk Skeeter[ed] / [cb] = a
MP MIPSa+b-c+d-e < 0Sn Snowman[eca] % [db] = 0
Pk Pokeyb = a+1, c = a+2TB Tox Box65536 < RNG
Bl Bully[bcd] < 256Th Thwompc = e+2, d = e+1
Bl+ Big Bully[bcd] > 728Uk Ukikib = d, c = e, d ≠ e
Dr Dorya = [bc] - [de]Wg Wiggler[ab] = [ed]