On the Subject of Pow

You should learn to treat retro bossfights with respect, or else they will end up on your bomb.

This module is themed after the game Nervous Brickdown, specifically the world 1 bossfight. On the module will be an animated background and 10 clickable moving diamonds, which are all pieces of the boss.

To solve the module, the defuser must destroy all pieces of the boss without disobeying the Destruction Rules below. Pressing one of the pieces will cause that piece to lose a layer. Each piece has 3 layers, pink outermost, grey middlemost, and black with a red glow innermost. The outermost 2 layers are what need to be destroyed to destroy that piece of the boss.

BE WARNED! The boss is normally in a passive phase where the defuser can destroy the pieces, however the boss can enter an attack phase where 3 LEDs pop out of the module which the defuser may interact with. All pieces which had a PINK layer when the boss entered attack phase will attack certain LEDs with a crosshair indicating where the next one will attack. To avoid an attack, move the green LED away from a crosshair by pressing any of the other LEDs.

Attempting to destroy a layer which disobeys the Destruction Rules or being hit by a piece during an attack phase will cause a strike.

Destruction Rules

  1. The defuser may destroy up to a certain number of layers normally per passive phase, which can be determined using the table below.
  2. All pink layers must be destroyed first, unless rule 4 is in effect.
  3. If the number of minutes currently left on the bomb is a multiple of 5 (not 1 or 0), then this limit is restricted to 1 layer.
  4. If the number of minutes currently left on the bomb is a multiple of 3 (not 1 or 0), then only grey layers may be destroyed.
  5. If the bomb has less than or equal to 30 seconds left on it, then there is no limit.
  6. If all pink layers have been destroyed, then there is no limit but rule 3 can still apply.
The background has blue objects and the boss is spinning counter-clockwise 4 The background has grey objects and the boss is spinning counter-clockwise 2
The background has blue objects and the boss is spinning clockwise 2 The background has grey objects and the boss is spinning clockwise 3