On the Subject of QWERTY Coordinates

Alliteration is the repetition of the beginning sound of words. Therefore, QWERTY Coordinates is an alliteration. FACT.

This module is interacted with using the keyboard.

On the module is a string of text in which your answer (the underscores) must map to.

  • Cyan characters/wavy underscores must be uppercase. White characters/straight underscores must be lowercase.
  • All of the answer’s words must be an English word.

The mapping process uses a QWERTY keyboard layout (see below).

  • For each pair of key presses, take the row of the first key and the column of the second key; their intersection is the letter they map to.
  • Shift and Caps Lock count for key presses; when they're pressed, they act as the row for the intersection.
  • Space characters prior to a letter are tabs and act as the top row.

Type in your answer using your keyboard. You can use backspace to remove the last character you typed.

  • Caps Lock and Shift cannot be pressed simultaneously.
  • You cannot add in space/tab characters other than the ones given.
  • Shift and Caps Lock cannot be pressed if the letter they affect is immediately after a tab (space).
  • You can use the buttons in the top left to press Shift (up arrow) and Caps Lock (lock).

Upon typing the last letter, the module will automatically submit. If your answer maps to the text, the module will solve. Otherwise, the module generates a new puzzle upon pressing "RESET".

  • If a pair of key presses map to an incorrect letter, map outside of the keyboard (see above), are on the same row or column, or a key press doesn’t belong to a pair, the module will strike. Letters that map incorrectly and their resulting letter are highlighted in red.
  • If part of your answer generates the correct text but is not a word, the module will highlight it in yellow but won’t strike.