On the Subject of Remote Math

You’re telling me bombs now connect to the internet?

This module consists of a button and two fruit pictures.

Step 1:

  • Take the top fruit’s number on the defuser’s module and multiply by 13.
  • Add 21 if the fruit image from the top fruit on the defuser’s module matches the text below the fruit.
  • Minus the number of ports.
  • Divide by the right hand side fruit’s number on the expert’s module.
  • Round down to the closest integer.
  • Take the absolute value of this number.
  • Modulo this number by 20
  • Press the left hand fruit on the expert’s module that many times.

Step 2:

  • Take the right hand side fruit’s number on the expert’s module and multiply by the right hand side fruit’s number on the defuser’s module.
  • Minus 54 if both fruit image’s on the expert’s module match the text below them.
  • Divide by the amount of batteries. (Ignore this step if there are no batteries.)
  • Round down to the closest integer.
  • Take the absolute value of this number.
  • Modulo this number by 20
  • Press the right hand fruit on the expert’s module that many times.
  • Press it another five times for luck.

Step 3:

  • Take the total of the amount of times you pressed the two fruits on the expert’s module and type in that number using the keypad.
  • Press plus.
  • Take the top fruit’s number on the defuser’s module and type it in.
  • Press minus if the total number of batteries is more than 5. Otherwise press multiply.
  • Take the right fruit’s number on the defuser’s module and type it in.
  • Press equals and then type the answer to this equation.

Step 4:

  • Press the status light on the expert’s module until it matches the colour of the text under either of the fruits on the expert’s module.
  • Press the equals button to finish the module.

Fruit Number Reference

Apple Melon Orange Pear Pineapple Strawberry
Image Apple 88 1 48 75 31 8
Melon 84 42 62 21 91 17
Orange 56 29 12 53 11 81
Pear 32 5 19 38 25 64
Pineapple 44 61 20 92 13 4
Strawberry 34 50 87 22 54 19

Status Light Colour Reference

  • Green: Module is solved
  • Red: Module has striked
  • Yellow: Connecting to the server
  • White: Currently connected to the server
  • Orange: The expert’s module has been solved
  • Blue: There was an error somewhere

If the status light shows as orange then a press of the button will solve the module.
If the status light shows as blue then there was an issue with the connection and to prevent the bomb being impossible the button is activated and pressing it will solve the module.

Remote Math Expert Module