On the Subject of Sign Languages

Move louder, I can’t hear you!

This module consists of an image of an American Sign Language letter on a button, as well as two arrow buttons. Use them to cycle through a 7-letter word.

However, this word has been Caesar shifted with a key of either 5 or 14 and the first letter on the module may not be the first letter in the word.

Find the word in the table below and note the number associated to it.

If your Caesar key is 5, add to this number the number of fingers fully extended (thumb excluded) of the first letter of the word’s encrypted sign.

If your Caesar key is 14, do the same thing, but use the last letter’s encrypted sign instead.

If your new number is above 7, subtract 7 until it isn’t. Press the sign in this position of the word to solve the module. Pressing any other sign will strike you.

HOWEVER: The initially displayed sign is not always the first letter of the encrypted word.


Appendix S1GN : American Sign Language Alphabet