On the Subject of Simon’s Ultimate Showdown

Looks like this is the real blinkenhell.

This module has six buttons which may be paired with other extremities, all of which are randomly selected from any “simon” module in this game. Each button is colored with a random color from their respective module. The buttons (or extremities) will also be flashing a sequence of initially three flashes.

In order to solve this module follow the steps below and on the following pages to find out which color(s) need to be pressed for each flash in the sequence. The correct press(es) corresponding to the first flash must be pressed first and then the one(s) for the second flash and so on. If no presses are made for a while, then the sequence will flash again but the current presses WILL NOT be cleared. Once all correct presses have been made the module will again randomize the colors on each button with a random color from their respective module. It will also add one more flash to the sequence but the positions of the previous flashes in the sequence will stay the same. After all correct button(s) have been pressed for a sequence of five flashes, the module will disarm.

If at any point an incorrect press is made a strike will be recorded and the module WILL reset that stage.

Step 1: Identifying the modules the buttons/extremities are from

  • A button from Simon Scrambles will be a square and colored blue, green, red, or yellow
  • A button from Simon Screams will be a kite and colored blue, green, red, yellow, orange, or purple
  • A button from Simon Simons will be a small diamond with a black backing and colored blue, green, red, or yellow
  • A button from Simon Stops will be an octagon with a black backing and colored blue, green, red, yellow, orange, or purple
  • A button from Simon’s Stages/Simon Stages will be a half circle with a letter on it paired with a light extremity where the letter is the first letter of the color the light extremity flashes
    • The light extremity is also a half circle that can flash red, blue, yellow, orange, magenta, green, pink, lime, cyan, or white
  • A button from Tasha Squeals will be a diamond with a black backing and colored blue, green, pink, or yellow

NOTE: All sounds made by the buttons (only go off after first press) are the same ones from their respective modules.

Step 2: Getting the correct color(s) to press for each flash

If the flashing button or extremity is from...

  • Simon’s Stages/Simon Stages
    1. Take the color of the flash and find the corresponding rule in the table in either modules’ manuals
    2. Use the rule on the entire flashing sequence to find out which colors need to be pressed for this flash

    NOTE: Colors opposite the sequence when referenced for this module refer to the colors of the buttons directly opposite the ones that flashed

  • Simon Scrambles
    1. Use the color of the flash and when it flashed in the sequence (1–5) as the time in the table in this module’s manual to find out the first color that needs to be pressed for this flash
    2. Use the color of the flash and when it flashed in the sequence (1–5) + 5 as the time in the table in this module’s manual to find out the second color that needs to be pressed for this flash
  • Simon Screams
    1. Use the color of the flash in the big table in this module’s manual and find the first true row from top to bottom
    2. The intersecting cell between the color of the flash (column) and first true row (row) will have 3 letters
    3. Reference the first letter if the flash is first or fourth in the sequence, second if the flash is second or fifth in the sequence, or the third if the flash is third in the sequence
    4. Use the referenced letter in the smaller table as the column, and get the true colors based on the edgework rules from top to bottom
    5. These true colors are the colors that need to be pressed for this flash
  • Simon Stops
    1. Use the color of the flash as the original color and stage as the total number of flashes - 2 in Table A in this module’s manual to get the correct color to press for this flash
    2. Use Table B to find the Control Input
      • When pressing colors in Step 4, because a Simon Stops button flashed at some point a pressed button will stay lit after being pressed and the module will essentially halt
      • In order to get the module going again to allow the rest of the presses, a Control Input (single color) must be pressed on the module
      • This is gotten through a two character code rule received from Table B, and this rule should only be applied once the module halts
      • If the Control Input is not pressed within 20 seconds of the module halting, the module will act as if an incorrect press was made.

    NOTES: The color violet is treated as purple. For the two character code rules 1N, 2N, 1P, and 2P, count by buttons themselves and not by types of colors on the buttons. For the two character code rules NP, PP, NS, and PS, if the type of color is not present (primary/secondary), use SC for the Control Input.

  • Tasha Squeals
    1. Use this module’s manual to find the first table where only one of the rules applies, but not both (XOR)
    2. Find the column to use in the correct table using the position of the flashing button (if the position is not present pink is the color that needs to be pressed for this flash)
    3. Find the color of the button that flashed in this column (if the color is not present pink is the color that needs to be pressed for this flash)
    4. The color in the leftmost column on the same row as the color of the button that flashed is the color that needs to be pressed for this flash

    NOTES: The top left and top right buttons count as the position “Top” in this module’s manual. The bottom left and bottom right buttons count as the position “Bottom” in this module’s manual. The word input should be treated as the word flash when checking the rules. The rules checking for a pink button on “the diamond” are just checking for whether a pink button is in those positions on the module.

  • Simon Simons
    1. Use the position and color of the flash as the column in this module’s manual and the current number of strikes on the bomb as the row
    2. The intersecting cell of the row and column will refer to a diamond in the diagram in “Appendix S2” where the color of diamond is the correct color to press for this flash

    NOTES: The position is the first character of the two characters in the columns, while the color is the second. The top left and top right buttons count as the position “T” in this module’s manual. The bottom left and bottom right buttons count as the position “B” in this module’s manual.

Step 3: Applying modifications

Before the correct colors can be pressed, they must be modified by any true rules in the following table.

If... Then...
The bomb has an SND or CAR indicator and the second flash is green Remove all colors except for the first one that need to be pressed for each flash
One of the colors that needs to be pressed for the third flash is red Replace all occurrences of reds with blues
The sum of the number of “simon” modules (all listed in Step 1) on the bomb is greater than or equal to two Replace all occurrences of oranges with whites and greens with limes
One of the colors that needs to be pressed for the second flash is purple Replace all occurrences of yellows with oranges and add the color green to the end of the color presses for the last flash
The second or third flash is yellow or blue and the serial number contains the digit 5, 9, or 0 Add the colors cyan and purple to the end of the color presses for the first flash in that order
The first flash is red, lime, or orange Replace all occurrences of blues with cyans
There are four flashes and half of the flashes are primary colors (RYB) Remove all occurrences of oranges, yellows, and whites

Step 4: Inputting the colors into the buttons

For any colors that are present on any of the buttons, input them into any those buttons. However, if a color is not present on any of the buttons, follow the correct priority list below until the first present color appears and press that button instead.

EXCEPTIONS: In the case of all buttons being the same color, press all buttons from Simon Stores and then the remaining unpressed in any order (If a Simon Stops button flashed the module will never halt if this case is true). In the case of having nothing to press, press the first appropriate button from the first true priority list.

Use this priority list if the module has buttons from Simon Scrambles and Tasha Squeals: Lime, White, Orange, Cyan, Green, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Magenta, Red, Blue

Otherwise use this priority list if the bomb has a Simon Sends or Simon’s On First: Orange, Pink, White, Yellow, Blue, Red, Cyan, Purple, Green, Lime, Magenta

Otherwise use this priority list: Magenta, Purple, Pink, Green, Lime, White, Red, Blue, Cyan, Yellow, Orange

Options (Alt-O)


Color: (Alt-1)
Highlights: (Alt-C)

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Dark Mode


Developer mode
