On the Subject of Skipping Triangles
No, you’re not exercising.
Please see Appendix 1PP1NG for identifying modules in the Triangles family.
This module will have 9 triangles on it. Each triangle is coloured green, orange, or violet. To solve the module, all valid triangles must be pressed. Pressing an invalid triangle will cause a strike. If no more valid triangles are present on the module after pressing a triangle, the module will solve. Note that triangles turn off when pressed, regardless of validity.
Identifying valid triangles:
Start from any triangle. Using its colour and orientation, along with the diagram below, find the next adjacent triangle to move to. Whichever triangle matches the orientation and colour in the diagram will move according to its corresponding arrow. Repeat the process until a previously visited triangle is moved to, or a movement leads to an empty space. The triangle with the longest path is the valid one. In the case of a tie, any of those triangles is valid. Note that off triangles are also considered as empty spaces.