Module diagram. A display covering the whole module may show a question and 4–6 answers.

On the Subject of Souvenir

Something to remember your explosion by.

Souvenir asks questions about the state of other modules that you solved prior. Answer all the questions correctly.

If a module reset itself upon a strike, the question about it is assumed to refer only to successful runs or stages.

If the answers are audio clips, tap an answer once to hear the clip and tap it again to submit it as your answer.

Questions that may come up:

  • What was the displayed number?
  • What were the flashes?
  • Which arrows were shown?
  • What was the starting number?
1000 Words
  • What were the words shown?
100 Levels of Defusal
  • What were the displayed letters?
1, 2, 3 Game (The)
  • What was the opponent’s avatar and name?
1D Chess
  • What were your and Rustmate’s moves?
3D Maze
  • What were the markings?
  • What was the cardinal direction?
3D Tap Code
  • What was the received word?
3D Tunnels
  • What were the goal symbols?
3 LEDs
  • What was the initial state of the LEDs?
  • What number was initially displayed?
  • What was the displayed number?
  • What were the LED colors for each stage?
  • What was each channel’s initial value?
  • What were the numbers on each ball?
  • What were the characters displayed?
  • What were the background and border colors on each stage?
Adventure Game
  • Which correct items did you use?
  • Which enemy were you fighting?
Affine Cycle
  • What were the message and response?
A Letter
  • What was the initially displayed letter?
  • What final letter was pressed?
  • What letters were to the left and right of the final one?
  • What was the last digit on the small display?
  • What were the first two equations?
  • What were the starting and goal positions?
  • What color was the bulb?
  • Which numbers were present in the seed?
Alphabetical Ruling
  • What were the letters and numbers displayed in each stage?
Alphabet Numbers
  • What were the numbers on the buttons in each stage?
Alphabet Tiles
  • What were the letters shown during each cycle?
  • What was the missing letter?
  • What characters were displayed on each screen?
Amusement Parks
  • Which rides were available?
Ángel Hernández
  • What letter was shown by the raised buttons in each stage?
Arena (The)
  • What was the maximum weapon damage of the attack phase?
  • What enemies were present in the defend phase?
  • What numbers were present in the grab phase?

continued on next page...

  • What was the symbol on the submit button?
  • What were the numbers selectable on the screens?
  • What characters were displayed?
A Square
  • What were the index colors?
  • What were the submitted colors?
Audio Morse
  • What was the Morse code?
Azure Button (The)
  • What were T and the other displayed cards?
  • What was M?
  • What were the arrows?
  • Which menu items were present?
Bamboozled Again
  • What were the text and color of each correct button?
  • What were the decrypted text and color of each displayed message?
Bamboozling Button
  • What color was the button in each stage?
  • What were the labels on the button in each stage?
  • What were the displays and their colors in each stage?
Bar Charts
  • What were the bars’ heights, colors, and labels?
  • What was the category?
  • What was the unit?
Barcode Cipher
  • What was the screen number?
  • What was the edgework represented by each barcode?
  • What was the answer for each barcode?
  • Which ingredient was in which position?
  • What color were the eaten beans?
  • Which beans were wobbling?
Bean Sprouts
  • What colors were the eaten sprouts?
  • Where were the eaten beans?
Big Bean
  • What color and wobbliness was the bean?
Big Circle
  • Which colors were in the solution?
  • What word was displayed?
Binary LEDs
  • At which numeric value did you cut the correct wire?
Binary Shift
  • What were the initial numbers?
  • What number was selected at each stage?
  • How many pixels were black/white in each quadrant?
Black Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
Blind Maze
  • What colors were the buttons?
  • Which maze did you solve the module on?
Blinking Notes
  • What song played?
  • How many times did the LED flash?
  • Which color did the LED flash the least?
  • What was the last letter pressed?
Blue Arrows
  • What were the characters on the screen?
Blue Button (The)
  • What were D, E, F, G, H, M, N, P, Q, and X?
Blue Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
Bob Barks
  • What were the indicator labels?
  • Which buttons flashed in sequence?
  • Which letters were initially visible?
Bomb Diffusal
  • What was the license number?
Bone Apple Tea
  • What were the phrases?
Boob Tube
  • What were the words?
Book of Mario
  • Who said something in each stage?
  • What was each character’s quote?
Boolean Wires
  • Which operators were submitted in each stage?
Boomtar the Great
  • What were the first and second rules?
Bordered Keys
  • What were the border color, displayed digit, key color, label and label color when you pressed each key?
Bottom Gear
  • What was the initially shown tweet?
  • Which contestants and substitutes (first and last names) were shown?
  • Who had which punch strength rating?
  • Which Braille patterns were present?
Breakfast Egg
  • Which colors appeared on the egg?
Broken Buttons
  • What were the correct buttons you pressed?
Broken Guitar Chords
  • What was the displayed chord?
  • Which string was broken?
Brown Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
Brush Strokes
  • What was the color of the middle contact point?
Bulb (The)
  • What were the correct button presses?
Burger Alarm
  • What were the displayed digits?
  • What were the order numbers?

continued on next page...

Burglar Alarm
  • What were the displayed digits?
Button (The)
  • What color did the light glow?
  • How many of each color and border color were there?
  • How many special buttons were there?
  • How many buttons had a P?
Button Sequence
  • How many times did each color occur?
Cacti’s Conundrum
  • What colors was the LED?
Caesar Cycle
  • What were the message and response?
Caesar Psycho
  • What text and color were on the top display in each stage?
  • What was the color of the LED?
  • What were the starting colors?
  • What lyrics were played by each button?
  • What color was each button?
  • What were the colours of the panels?
Challenge & Contact
  • What were the submitted answers?
Character Codes
  • What were the characters?
Character Shift
  • What were the characters on the sliders?
Character Slots
  • Who was displayed in each slot for each stage?
Cheap Checkout
  • What were the paid amounts?
Cheep Checkout
  • Which birds were present?
  • What were the coordinates?
Chinese Counting
  • What colors were the LEDs?
Chinese Remainder Theorem
  • What were the equations?
Chord Qualities
  • What notes were in the given chord?
Code (The)
  • What was the displayed number?
  • Which words were submitted?
Coffee Beans
  • What were the movements?
  • What was the last served coffee?
  • Which coin was flipped?
Color Addition
  • What were the three numbers?
Color Braille
  • What color was each dot?
Color Decoding
  • What were the indicator patterns and colors in each stage?
Colored Keys
  • What was the displayed word and its color?
  • What were the colors and letters on each key?
Colored Squares
  • What was the first color group?
Colored Switches
  • What was the initial position of the switches?
  • What was the switches’ position when the LEDs came on?
Color Morse
  • What were the colors of the LEDs?
  • What characters were flashed by the LEDs?
Color One Two
  • What colors were the LEDs?
Colors Maximization
  • How many buttons were there of each color?
Coloured Cubes
  • What were the colours of the cubes and stage lights in each stage?
Coloured Cylinder
  • What colours did the cylinder flash?
Colour Flash
  • What was the color of the last word in the sequence?
  • What was the initial layout?
Conditional Buttons
  • What was the color of each button?
Connected Monitors
  • What numbers were initially displayed?
  • What colors were the indicators?
Connection Check
  • What number pairs were present?
  • What was the grid size?
  • What was the solution you selected first?
Coral Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
  • What were the colors of the corners?
Cornflower Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
  • What was the number initially shown?
Crazy Hamburger
  • What were the displayed ingredients?
Crazy Maze
  • What were the starting and goal positions?
Cream Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
  • What were the weather conditions on each day?
Crimson Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
  • What was the alteration color?
Cruel Binary
  • What was the displayed word?

continued on next page...

Cruel Keypads
  • What were the displayed symbols and what was the color of the bar in each stage?
cRule (The)
  • Which cells were prefilled at the start?
  • Which symbol pair appeared where?
Cryptic Cycle
  • What were the message and response?
Cryptic Keypad
  • What were the labels and cardinal directions of each key?
Cube (The)
  • What were the cube rotations?
Cursed Double-Oh
  • What was the first digit of the initial number?
Customer Identification
  • Which customers were displayed?
Cyan Button (The)
  • Where was the button at each stage?
  • Which region did you depart from?
Deaf Alley
  • What was the shape generated?
Deck of Many Things (The)
  • What deck did the first card belong to?
Decolored Squares
  • What were the colors defining the starting row and column?
Decolour Flash
  • What were the words and colours of each goal?
Denial Displays
  • What was initially on the displays?
  • What was the displayed word for each stage?
Devilish Eggs
  • What were the rotations?
  • What were the numbers and letters shown on the prism?
  • Which tones played?
  • What were the numbers on the buttons?
Digit String
  • What was the displayed digit string?
Dimension Disruption
  • What were the visible characters?
Directional Button
  • How many times did you press the button in each stage?
Discolored Squares
  • What was the remembered position for each color?
Disordered Keys
  • What were the missing information and the revealed/unrevealed key color, label, and label color of each key?
Divisible Numbers
  • What were the numbers in each stage?
Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.
  • What jingles played?
  • What images were shown?
Double Arrows
  • What was the starting position?
  • Which buttons moved in which directions in the grid?
Double Color
  • What was the screen color in each stage?
Double Digits
  • What were the numbers on the displays?
Double Expert
  • What was the starting key number?
  • What was the submitted word?
Double Listening
  • What sounds played?
  • Which button was the submit button?
Double Screen
  • What colors were the screens on each stage?
Dr. Doctor
  • Which diseases and symptoms were listed?
  • What was the decrypted word?
Duck (The)
  • What was the color of the curtain?
  • How was the duck approached?
Dumb Waiters
  • Which players were present?
  • What was the background?
  • Which monster was shown?
eeB gnillepS
  • What word was asked to be spelled?
  • What was the last digit on the small display?
  • What was the position of the last broken digit?
  • What were the last resulting digits?
  • What was the last displayed number?
Elder Futhark
  • What were the runes shown?
  • What were the emoji?
ƎNA Cipher
  • What were the keyword, the transposition key and the encrypted word?
Encrypted Dice
  • Which numbers were rolled in each stage?
Encrypted Equations
  • What were the main shapes of the three operands?
Encrypted Hangman
  • What was the encrypted module name and encryption method?
Encrypted Maze
  • Which symbol was spinning which way?
Encrypted Morse
  • What were the received call and sent response?
Encryption Bingo
  • What was the first encoding used?
Enigma Cycle
  • What were the message and response?

continued on next page...

Entry Number Four
  • What were the numbers shown, the expected fourth entry and the constant coefficient?
Entry Number One
  • What were the numbers shown, the expected first entry and the constant coefficient?
Épelle-moi Ça
  • What word was asked to be spelled?
Equations X
  • What was the displayed symbol?
Error Codes
  • What was the active error code?
  • What beat was the input for each arrow?
  • What were the starting and final target planet and digit?
Factoring Maze
  • What were the prime numbers used?
Factory Maze
  • What room did you start in?
Faerie Fires
  • What were the faeries' colors and pitches?
Fast Math
  • What was the last pair of letters?
Faulty Buttons
  • Which button did each button refer to?
Faulty RGB Maze
  • Where were the exit and keys of the maze?
  • What was the maze number for each maze?
Find the Date
  • What were the day, month, and year for each stage?
Five Letter Words
  • What were the displayed words?
  • What were the displayed numbers?
  • What were the country flags, the main flag, and the displayed number?
Flashing Arrows
  • What was the number shown on the display?
  • What were the relevant arrow’s colors?
Flashing Lights
  • How many times did each LED flash each color?
Flavor Text
  • Which module’s flavor text was presented?
Flavor Text EX
  • Which module’s flavor text was presented in each stage?
  • Which flies were present, but not in the solution?
Follow Me
  • What were the flashing directions?
Forest Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
Forget Any Color
  • What colors were the cylinders in each stage?
  • Which figure was used in each stage?
Forget Everything
  • What were the displayed digits in stage one?
Forget Me
  • What numbers were in which positions in the initial puzzle?
Forget Me Not
  • What were the displayed digits in each stage?
Forget Me Now
  • What were the displayed digits?
Forget’s Ultimate Showdown
  • What was the initial number?
  • What was the bottom number?
  • What was the answer?
  • What were the encryption methods used?
Forget The Colors
  • What were the large display, gear and the sine number’s last digit in each stage?
  • Which edgework-based rule was applied in each stage?
Forget This
  • What were the displayed digit and color in each stage?
Free Parking
  • What was the player token?
  • What was the last digit of the first query result?
  • What were the numbers and letter shown at the bottom?
Fuse Box (The)
  • What colors flashed?
  • What arrows were correct?
Gadgetron Vendor
  • What were the displayed weapons?
Game Of Life Cruel
  • Which color combinations occurred?
Gamepad (The)
  • What were the numbers?
Garfield Kart
  • What was the name of the track?
  • How many puzzle pieces were there?
Garnet Thief (The)
  • Which faction did each competitor claim to have chosen?
Ghost Movement
  • Where were Pac-Man and the ghosts?
  • What was the chosen language?
Glitched Button (The)
  • What was the cycling bit sequence?
Goofy’s Game
  • What numbers were shown in Morse code?
Grand Piano
  • What were the given notes?
Gray Button (The)
  • What were the coordinates on the display?
Gray Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
Great Void (The)
  • What were the digits and colors?
Green Arrows
  • What was the last number on the display?
Green Button (The)
  • What was the submitted word?

continued on next page...

Green Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
  • What was the starting color?
  • What were the starting and ending locations?
Grocery Store
  • What was the first item shown?
  • What were the gryphon’s name and age?
Guess Who?
  • How many times did YES flash?
  • What were the LED colors?
  • What was the transmitted letter?
Halli Galli
  • Which fruit was there five of and in what counts?
Hereditary Base Notation
  • What was the number on the bottom display?
Hexabutton (The)
  • What label was printed on the button?
  • What was the color of the pawn?
  • What shapes were displayed?
  • What were the deciphered letters or phrase?
  • What were the 3-digit numbers cycled by the screen?
  • What were the rhythm values?
Hidden Colors
  • What was the main LED’s color?
Hidden Value (The)
  • What numbers and colors were displayed?
High Score (The)
  • What was the player’s position and score?
Hill Cycle
  • What were the message and response?
  • What were the initially present hinges?
  • Which House was each module solved for?
Hold Ups
  • What was the name of each shadow shown?
  • What were the displayed phrases?
Horrible Memory
  • What were the positions, labels, and colors of the buttons pressed in each stage?
Human Resources
  • Which employees were hired and fired?
  • Which descriptors were shown in red and green?
  • Which stages had the column or row symbol first?
Hypercube (The)
  • What were the rotations?
  • What were the rotations?
Hyperlink (The)
  • What was the hyperlink?
  • Which module was referenced?
Ice Cream
  • Who were the customers?
  • Which flavors were on offer to each customer?
Identification Crisis
  • What were the shapes and identification modules used?
Identity Parade
  • What were the hair colors, builds and attires listed on the module?
Impostor (The)
  • Which module was being imitated?
Indigo Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
Infinite Loop
  • What was the selected word?
  • Which ingredients were listed and which were used?
Inner Connections
  • What color was the LED?
  • What was the digit flashed in Morse?
  • What was the symbol displayed in each stage?
  • What was the played sound?
iPhone (The)
  • What was the PIN?
  • What symbols were on the first correctly pulled block?
Jewel Vault (The)
  • What number were wheels A–D?
Jumble Cycle
  • What were the message and response?
Juxtacolored Squares
  • What was each square’s color?
  • What was the displayed word in each stage?
Kanye Encounter (The)
  • What food items were shown?
Keypad Combinations
  • What were the numbers, but not part of the answer?
Keypad Magnified
  • What was the position of the LED?
Keypad Maze
  • Where were the yellow cells?
Keypad Sequence
  • What symbols were on the keys?
  • What were the letters on the display?
Know Your Way
  • Which way was the arrow pointing?
  • Which LED was green?
Kooky Keypad
  • What colors were the LEDs?
  • Which squares were initially pre-filled?
  • What was Kuro’s mood?
Labyrinth (The)
  • Where were the portals, and which layers were they on?
Ladder Lottery
  • Which light was on?

continued on next page...

  • Which colors were present on the second ladder?
  • What color was missing on the third ladder?
Langton’s Anteater
  • What was the initial state of the grid?
  • What number was on each hatch?
LED Encryption
  • What were the correct button presses?
LED Grid
  • How many LEDs were unlit?
LED Math
  • What were the LED colors?
  • What was the initial color of the changed LED?
  • What were the dimensions of each color piece?
Letter Math
  • What were the letters on the display?
Light Bulbs
  • What were the colors of the bulbs?
  • What were the functions?
Lion’s Share
  • Which year was displayed?
  • Which lions were present but removed?
  • What sound played?
Logical Buttons
  • What were the colors and labels of each button in each stage?
  • What were the final operators in each stage?
Logic Gates
  • What were the logic gates?
Lombax Cubes
  • What were the letters on the button?
London Underground (The)
  • What were the departure and destination stations?
Long Words
  • What was the word on the top display?
Mad Memory
  • What was on the display in each stage?
  • Who was a player, but not the Godfather?
Magenta Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
  • What were the first two matched pairs?
  • What was the bottom-left tile?
Main Page
  • Which color and message did the bubble (not) display?
  • Which main page did Homestar, the background, or any of the buttons’ effects come from?
Maritime Flags
  • What bearing was signaled?
  • What callsign was signaled?
Maritime Semaphore
  • Where was the dummy?
  • Which letters were signaled?
Maroon Button (The)
  • What was A?
Maroon Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
  • What were the numbers in the equation?
  • What was the answer?
Master Tapes
  • Which song was played?
Match Refereeing
  • Which planets were present in each stage?
Math ’em
  • What were the color and design of each tile before the shuffle?
Matrix (The)
  • Which word was part of the latest access code?
  • What was the glitched word?
  • What was the starting position?
  • What was the color of the starting face?
Maze Identification
  • What was the seed?
  • What function did each button have?
  • What were the initial and goal values?
Maze Scrambler
  • What was the starting position?
  • What was the goal position?
  • Which positions were the maze markings?
  • How many walls surrounded each cell?
  • What were the starting and goal positions?
Maze Swap
  • What were the starting and goal positions?
Mega Man 2
  • What were the robot master and weapon shown?
Melody Sequencer
  • Which part was in which slot at the start?
Memorable Buttons
  • What were the symbols on the correct buttons?
  • What was the display in each stage?
  • What were the positions and labels of the buttons you pressed?
Memory Wires
  • What were the wire colours?
  • What were the displayed digits?
  • What was the extracted letter?
  • What was the final answer?
  • The LEDs lit up in which order?
  • What was the color of the starting cell?
  • What was the second word written by the original ghost?

continued on next page...

Mister Softee
  • Where was the SpongeBob Bar?
  • Which treats were present?
  • What was the position of the submit button?
  • What were the labels on the buttons and their colors?
  • What were the colors of the labels on the buttons?
  • What was the label of the correct button?
Modern Cipher
  • What were the decrypted words?
Module Listening
  • What sounds played?
  • What sounds did each button play?
Module Maze
  • What was the starting icon?
Module Movements
  • What module was shown for each stage?
Money Game
  • What were the phrases?
Monsplode, Fight!
  • Which creature was displayed?
  • Which moves were selectable?
Monsplode Trading Cards
  • What were the names and print versions of the three cards in your hand and the card on offer before the final trade/keep?
Moon (The)
  • Which sets were initially lit/unlit?
More Code
  • What was the flashing word?
  • What were the starting and ending location?
  • What was the Morse code word played?
Morse Buttons
  • What were the characters and colors flashed by each button?
  • What were the received letters?
Morse War
  • What were the LEDs?
  • What code was transmitted?
Mouse in the Maze
  • What color was the torus?
  • Which color sphere was the goal?
  • What were the obtained digits?
  • What was the final number from the iteration process?
Mssngv Wls
  • What was the missing vowel?
Multicolored Switches
  • What were the colors of the LEDs in both cycles?
  • Which were the suspects and weapons?
  • Where was the body found?
Mystery Module
  • Which module was hidden?
  • Which module was the first requested to be solved?
Mystic Square
  • What was the position of the skull?
Name Codes
  • What were the left and right indices?
Naming Conventions
  • What was the label of the first button?
Navigation Determination
  • What were the color and label of the maze?
  • Which directional buttons were pressed?
  • What was the initial middle digit?
Navy Button (The)
  • Which Greek letters appeared?
  • What were the coordinates and value of the given?
Necronomicon (The)
  • What was the chapter number of each page?
  • What was the submitted value (in base 10 and in balanced ternary)?
  • What was the acid’s color/volume?
Next In Line
  • What color was the first wire?
  • What was the label of the correct button?
  • What were the labels in stage 2 and 3?
  • What were the colors in stage 3?
Not Colored Squares
  • What position did you initially press?
Not Colored Switches
  • What was the encrypted word?
Not Colour Flash
  • What were the displayed word and colour sequences?
Not Connection Check
  • What were the flashing symbols?
  • What were the button values?
Not Coordinates
  • What were the vertices of the square?
Not Double-Oh
  • What were the displayed positions in the second stage?
Not Keypad
  • Which colours flashed in the final sequence?
  • Which symbols were on the buttons that flashed in the final sequence?
Not Maze
  • What was the starting distance?
Not Morse Code
  • What was the sequence of words you submitted?
Not Morsematics
  • What was the transmitted word?
Not Murder
  • What room were the suspects in initially?
  • What weapons did the suspects possess initially?
Not Number Pad
  • Which numbers flashed at each stage?
Not Password
  • What was the missing letter?

continued on next page...

Not Perspective Pegs
  • What were the positions, perspectives, and colors of each flash?
Not Piano Keys
  • What were the displayed symbols?
Not Red Arrows
  • What was the starting number?
Not Simaze
  • Which maze was used?
  • What were the starting and goal positions?
Not Text Field
  • Which letter appeared 9 times at the start?
  • Which letters were pressed in the first stage?
Not The Bulb
  • What was the transmitted word?
Not the Button
  • What color did the light glow?
Not The Plunger Button
  • What colors did the background flash?
Not The Screw
  • What was the initial position?
Not Who’s on First
  • What were the positions and labels of the correct buttons you pressed and the reference buttons?
  • What was the calculated number in the second stage?
Not Word Search
  • Which consonants were missing?
  • What was the first correctly pressed letter?
Not X01
  • What were the sector values?
Not X-Ray
  • What table were we in?
  • Which button went which direction?
  • What was the scanner color?
Numbered Buttons
  • Which numbers were correctly pressed?
Number Game (The)
  • What was the maximum number?
  • What two-digit number was given?
  • What was the number and its color?
Object Shows
  • What contestants were shown?
Octadecayotton (The)
  • What was the starting sphere?
  • What were the subtransformations in each transformation?
Odd One Out
  • What were the correct button presses?
Old AI
  • Which condition did the displayed numbers follow?
Old Fogey
  • What was the initial color of the status light?
One Links To All
  • What were the initially displayed articles?
Only Connect
  • What were the positions of the Egyptian hieroglyphs?
Orange Arrows
  • What were the first three arrows on the display in each stage?
Orange Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
Ordered Keys
  • What were the labels, their colors, and the colors of the keys in each stage?
Order Picking
  • What were the order ID, product ID and pallet for each order?
Orientation Cube
  • What was the observer’s initial position?
Orientation Hypercube
  • What was the observer’s initial position?
  • What was the initial colour of each face?
  • What number was X, Y, Z, and the screen display?
  • What was shown on the display?
Partial Derivatives
  • What were the terms of the function?
  • What were the LED colors in each stage?
Passport Control
  • What were the passport expiration years of each passenger?
Password Destroyer
  • What were the starting value, increase factor, TFA₁, TFA₂ and 2FAST™ values, and the percentage of solved modules used in the final calculation?
Pattern Cube
  • Which symbol was highlighted?
Pentabutton (The)
  • What was the base colour?
Periodic Words
  • What was the displayed word in each stage?
Perspective Pegs
  • What was the initial color sequence?
  • What were the button presses and the offset?
Pickup Identification
  • What pickups were shown?
  • What was the code?
  • What were the digits shown?
Pie Flash
  • What numbers were displayed?
Pigpen Cycle
  • What were the message and response?
Pink Button (The)
  • What were the displayed words and their colors?
Pixel Cipher
  • What was the keyword?
Placeholder Talk
  • What was the entire first phrase?
  • What was the calculated value for second phrase?
Placement Roulette
  • What were the character, track, and vehicle listed?

continued on next page...

  • What was the planet shown?
  • What was the correct color for each strip?
Playfair Cycle
  • What were the message and response?
  • What were the answers you pressed in each stage?
Pointless Machines
  • What colors flashed?
  • Which polygons were present?
Polyhedral Maze
  • What was the starting position?
Prime Encryption
  • What was the displayed number?
Prison Break
  • Where did the prisoner and defuser start?
  • What were the missing frequencies in each wire?
Procedural Maze
  • What was the initial seed?
Purple Arrows
  • What was the target word?
Purple Button (The)
  • What were the numbers in the cyclic sequence?
Puzzle Identification
  • What game did each puzzle come from?
  • What was the name and number of each puzzle?
Puzzling Hexabuttons
  • What letters were shown during submission?
Q & A
  • What questions were asked?
Quantum Passwords
  • Which words were used?
Quantum Ternary Converter
  • What were the numbers?
  • What was each sequence’s answer?
Question Mark
  • What were the flashing symbols?
Quick Arithmetic
  • What were the digits and colors in both sequences?
  • What were the numbers and colors in every slot?
  • How many numbers were there of each color?
  • What number was shown?
Quiz Buzz
  • What was the number initially on the display?
  • Which tiles did you place?
Raiding Temples
  • How many jewels were initially in the common pool?
Railway Cargo Loading
  • What were the coupled cars?
  • Which freight table rules applied?
Rainbow Arrows
  • What was the displayed number?
Recolored Switches
  • What were the LED colors?
Recursive Password
  • What were the incomplete words?
  • What was the password?
Red Arrows
  • What was the starting number?
Red Button’t
  • What was the displayed word?
Red Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
Red Herring
  • What was the first color flashed?
Reformed Role Reversal
  • What did the solving condition state?
  • What were the final wires?
ReGret-B Filtering
  • Which calculations were used?
Regular Crazy Talk
  • What was the displayed digit that corresponded to the solution phrase?
  • What was the embellishment of the solution phrase?
Reordered Keys
  • What were the labels, their colors, and the colors of the keys initially in each stage?
  • Where was the pivot in each stage?
  • Which houses were on offer, but not chosen by Bob?
Reverse Morse
  • What were the characters in each message?
Reverse Polish Notation
  • What characters were used in each round?
RGB Maze
  • Where were the exit and keys of the maze?
  • What was the maze number for each maze?
RGB Sequences
  • What were the colors of each button?
  • What was the color?
RNG Crystal
  • Where were the taps?
  • Where was the empty cell?
Robot Programming
  • What were the shapes and colors of the robots?
  • What four-digit number was given?
Role Reversal
  • What was the condition digit that solved the module?
  • What colors were the internal wires?
Rule (The)
  • What was the rule number?
Rule of Three
  • What were the positions of each sphere on each axis in each cycle?
  • What were the coordinates of the vertices?
Safety Square
  • What were the displayed digits?
  • What was the special rule?

continued on next page...

Samsung (The)
  • Where was each app?
  • Where was the goal?
Sbemail Songs
  • What were the displayed songs in each stage?
Scavenger Hunt
  • Which tile was correctly submitted in the first stage?
  • Where were the red, green, and blue tiles in the first stage?
Schlag den Bomb
  • What were the contestant’s name and both scores?
Scramboozled Eggain
  • What were the encrypted words?
  • What was the data type of the variable?
Scrutiny Squares
  • What was the modified property of the first displayed square?
Sea Shells
  • What were the phrases?
  • What were Morse and semaphore letters and color used for the starting value?
Sequencyclopedia (The)
  • What sequence was used?
S.E.T. Theory
  • What equations were displayed in each stage?
Shapes And Bombs
  • What was the initial letter?
Shape Shift
  • What was the initial shape?
Shifted Maze
  • What were the colors of the markers?
Shifting Maze
  • What was the seed?
Shogi Identification
  • What was the displayed piece?
Sign Language
  • What was the deciphered word?
Silly Slots
  • What were the slots in each stage?
Silo Authorization
  • What were the message type, encrypted message, and received authorization code?
Simon Said
  • What was the final sequence of presses?
Simon Samples
  • What were the call samples in each stage?
Simon Says
  • Which colors flashed in the final sequence?
Simon Scrambles
  • What was the flashing color sequence?
Simon Screams
  • What flashing color was used in each stage?
  • Which rules applied in which stage(s)?
Simon Selects
  • Which colors flashed in each stage?
Simon Sends
  • What were the red, green, and blue received letters?
Simon Serves
  • Who flashed in each course?
  • Which items were not served in each course?
Simon Shapes
  • What was the shape submitted at the end?
Simon Shouts
  • What letters flashed on each button?
Simon Shrieks
  • How many spaces clockwise from the arrow was each flash in the final sequence?
Simon Signals
  • What were the colors, shapes and number of directions of each arrow?
Simon Simons
  • Which buttons flashed in each stage?
Simon Sings
  • Which keys’ colors flashed in each stage?
Simon Smiles
  • What sounds did each button press play?
Simon Smothers
  • Which colors and directions flashed in each stage?
Simon Sounds
  • Which sample buttons sounded in each stage?
Simon Speaks
  • What were the relevant attributes of the flashing bubbles?
Simon’s Star
  • Which colors flashed in each stage?
Simon Stacks
  • Which colors flashed in each stage?
Simon Stages
  • Which colors flashed in each stage?
  • What color was the indicator in each stage?
Simon States
  • Which color(s) flashed in the first three stages?
Simon Stops
  • Which colors flashed in the output sequence?
Simon Stores
  • Which colors flashed in the final sequence?
  • What were the numerical answers in each stage?
Simon Subdivides
  • What colors were the cells that subdivided?
Simon Supports
  • What were the 3 topics?
Simon Swizzles
  • Where were ON and OFF?
  • What was the hidden binary number?
Simultaneous Simons
  • Which colors flashed on each of the Simons?
Skewed Slots
  • What were the original numbers?
  • What colors were the gems?
  • Which races, weapons, enemies, cities, and dragon shouts were selectable, but not the solution?

continued on next page...

Slow Math
  • What was the last triplet of letters?
Small Circle
  • How much did the sequence shift by?
  • Which wedge made the different noise in the beginning?
  • Which colors were in the solution?
Smash, Marry, Kill
  • What category was each module in?
  • How many reds were there initially?
  • What were the displayed snowflakes?
Sonic & Knuckles
  • Which monitor and badnik were shown?
  • What was the sound not featured in the chosen zone?
Sonic The Hedgehog
  • Which sound was played by each screen?
  • What were the pictures?
  • Which positions were involved in the final swap?
  • What was the first module the other Souvenir asked a question about?
Space Traders
  • What was the maximum tax amount per vessel?
Spelling Bee
  • What word was asked to be spelled?
Sphere (The)
  • What were the flashed colors?
Splitting The Loot
  • Which bag was initially colored?
Spongebob Birthday Identification
  • What were the submitted names?
  • What were the lit LEDs’ colors?
  • What was the identification number?
Stable Time Signatures
  • What time signatures played?
Stacked Sequences
  • What were the lengths of the sequences?
  • What was the digit in the center?
  • Which stars were shown?
State of Aggregation
  • What element was shown?
  • What were the letters?
Stroop’s Test
  • What were the submitted slides?
Stupid Slots
  • What were the values of each arrow?
Subbly Jubbly
  • What were the replacement phrases?
Subscribe to Pewdiepie
  • How many subscribers do Pewdiepie and T-Series have?
  • Which bread did the customer ask for?
  • Which item was not asked for?
Sugar Skulls
  • What skulls were shown?
Suits and Colours
  • What were the colours and suits of each cell?
  • What was the displayed word?
  • Which security protocols were installed?
Switch (The)
  • What color were the LEDs?
  • What was the initial position of the switches?
Switching Maze
  • What was the seed?
  • What was the starting maze color?
Symbol Cycle
  • How many symbols were cycling on each screen?
Symbolic Coordinates
  • Which symbols were present on each stage?
Symbolic Tasha
  • What symbols were on the buttons?
  • Which buttons flashed?
SYNC-125 [3]
  • What was displayed on the screen in each stage?
  • Which number was displayed?
  • What error code did you fix?
Tap Code
  • What was the received word?
Tasha Squeals
  • What were the flashed colors?
Tasque Managing
  • What was the starting position?
Tea Set (The)
  • In what order were the ingredients displayed?
Technical Keypad
  • What were the displayed digits?
Ten-Button Color Code
  • What were the buttons’ initial colors in each stage?
  • What were the splits?
  • What was the pulsing colour sequence?
Text Field
  • What was the displayed letter?
Thinking Wires
  • Which was the first wire needing to be cut?
  • What color was the second valid wire to cut?
  • What was the display number?
Third Base
  • What were the display words?
Thirty Dollar Module
  • What sounds were played?
Tic Tac Toe
  • What was the initial state of the field?
Time Signatures
  • What time signatures played?
  • What were the departure and destination city?

continued on next page...

Tip Toe
  • Which squares were safe in rows 9 and 10?
Topsy Turvy
  • What was the word initially shown?
Touch Transmission
  • What was the transmitted word?
  • In what order was the Braille read?
  • What functions did each button perform?
Transmitted Morse
  • What were the received messages?
  • What was the pulsing colour sequence?
Tribal Council
  • What were the northeast and southwest names?
Triple Term
  • What were the passwords?
Turtle Robot
  • What were the commented out code lines?
Two Bits
  • What were the correct three query responses?
Ultimate Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
Ultimate Cycle
  • What were the message and response?
Ultracube (The)
  • What were the rotations?
  • What were the rotations?
Uncolored Squares
  • What were the colors used in the first stage?
Uncolored Switches
  • What was the initial switch state?
  • What were the LED colors?
Unfair Cipher
  • What were the received instructions?
Unfair’s Revenge
  • What were the decrypted instructions?
  • What were the submitted codes?
  • What was the starting card?
Unordered Keys
  • What were the labels, their colors, and the colors of the keys in each stage?
Unown Cipher
  • What were the submitted letters?
  • What was the displayed word?
  • What were the flashing colors?
USA Cycle
  • Which states were displayed?
USA Maze
  • Which state did you depart from?
  • Which words were shown?
  • What was the initial state?
Varicolored Squares
  • What was the initially pressed color?
Varicolour Flash
  • What were the words and colours of each goal?
  • What were the LED colors?
  • What was n for the colored knobs and bulbs?
  • What digits were displayed on the digit display?
  • What words were formable on the letter display?
  • What were the maximum values of the timers?
  • What was the displayed word?
  • What were the colors of the vectors?
  • What were the flagpole colors?
Violet Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
Visual Impairment
  • What were the desired colors?
Walking Cube
  • Which cells did the cube walk to?
Warning Signs
  • What was the displayed sign?
  • What was the displayed location?
Watching Paint Dry
  • How many brush strokes were there?
  • What was the correct pattern in each stage?
  • What was the color in the first two stages?
Weakest Link (The)
  • Who was eliminated?
  • Who joined you in the Money Phase?
  • What were the other contestants’ skills and correct answer ratios?
What’s on Second
  • What were the display text and color in each stage?
White Arrows
  • What were the non-white arrows?
White Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
  • What was on the display in each stage?
Who’s on First
  • What were the display words?
Who’s On Morse
  • What word was transmitted in each stage?
Wire (The)
  • What were the colors of the dials?
  • What was the displayed number?
Wire Ordering
  • What were the colors and numbers on the displays?
  • What were the colors of the wires?
Wire Sequence
  • How many wires of each color were there?
Wolf, Goat, and Cabbage
  • Which creatures were present?
  • What size was the boat?

continued on next page...

Working Title
  • What was the label shown?
  • What was the number?
Xenocryst (The)
  • What was the color of each flash?
XmORse Code
  • What were the displayed letters?
  • What word did you decrypt?
xobekuJ ehT
  • What song was played?
  • What symbols were scanned?
  • What were the scanned shapes?
  • What was the first roll?
Yellow Arrows
  • What was the starting row letter?
Yellow Button (The)
  • What were the colors?
Yellow Button’t
  • What was the filename?
Yellow Cipher
  • What was on each screen?
Zero, Zero
  • What were the colors and number of points on each star?
  • Where were the colored squares?
  • What were the deciphered words?