On the Subject of The Deck of Many Things

A traveler’s journal in the form of a game.

See Appendix A for indicator identification reference.
See Appendix B for battery identification reference.
See Appendix C for port identification reference.

  • The module consists of an ordered card deck. Click on the cards to cycle through them. To disarm the module, press “SUBMIT” when the one correct card is face up. Choosing any other card will cause a strike.
  • The Deck of Many Things is a collection of cards from different decks. Refer to “Determine a Card’s Deck” to identify from which deck the card came from. If a card does not belong to the Standard Deck, you will need to calculate its corresponding Standard Deck card. Refer to “Calculate a Card’s Value” to do so.
  • Refer to “Determine Starting Valid Cards” to find out what cards are valid. The correct card is the first valid card of the sequence. If no cards are valid, press “SUBMIT” when no cards are face up.
  • The sequence does NOT loop around.

Determine a Card’s Deck

Condition Deck
Card rank is 2–10, J (Jack), Q (Queen), K (King) or A (Ace) and card suit is ♠ (Spades) / ♣ (Clubs) in black or ♥ (Hearts) / ♦ (Diamonds) in red. Standard
Card suit is ♠ / ♣ in red or ♥ / ♦ in black. Metropolitan
Card rank is 11 or higher. Maritime
Card suit has only its outline and is not filled. Arctic
Card suit is not red or black. Tropical
Card suit is other than ♠♣♥♦. Oasis
No card suit is visible. Celestial

Determine Starting Valid Cards

A card is considered valid if it has both a valid suit and a valid rank.

Determine Starting Valid Ranks

A rank is valid if the bomb has any of the corresponding widgets in the table below:

Rank Widget
2 SND indicator
3 IND indicator or Parallel port
4 Serial port
5 MSA indicator
6 NSA indicator or DVI-D port
7 FRQ indicator
8 TRN indicator or Stereo RCA port
Rank Widget
9 BOB indicator
10 SIG indicator
J FRK indicator
Q CLR indicator or RJ-45 port
K CAR indicator or PS/2 port
A Always

Determine Starting Valid Suits

Look at the first card (and, if necessary, refer to “Calculate a Card’s Value” to obtain the corresponding Standard deck card). Use the first card’s information to determine the starting valid suits, according to the table below:

First Card Rank
First Card Deck 2–6 7–9 10-A
Standard Deck ♦ or ♠ ♥ or ♣ ♠ or ♣
Metropolitan Deck ♦ or ♥ ♠ or ♥ ♣ or ♦
Maritime Deck ♥ or ♠ ♣ or ♦ ♣ or ♥
Arctic Deck ♦ or ♠ ♦ or ♥ ♣ or ♠
Tropical Deck ♠ or ♣ ♥ or ♦ ♥ or ♣
Oasis Deck ♦ or ♠ ♦ or ♥ ♣ or ♦
Celestial Deck

Calculate a Card’s Value

Metropolitan Deck

The displayed rank in a Metropolitan deck card is always equal to its corresponding Standard deck card.

Use the displayed suit to locate the correct graph below (i.e., the one with that suit as the center symbol). Starting with the suit pointed by the arrow, and proceeding clockwise if the total number of batteries is even and counterclockwise otherwise, move a number of spaces equal to the number of lit indicators. That is the suit of its corresponding Standard deck card.

Maritime Deck

The displayed suit in a Maritime deck card is always equal to its corresponding Standard deck card.

Proceed through the following steps to determine the corresponding Standard deck card rank:

  1. Multiply the displayed rank by the (number of batteries + 1)
  2. If there is an empty port plate, add 10 to the obtained number
  3. Divide the obtained number by the (number of lit indicators + 1), ignoring fractions
  4. If the serial number contains a vowel, subtract the displayed rank from the obtained number
  5. If the displayed number is not between 1 and 13, add or subtract 13 to it until it is.

The obtained number is the corresponding Standard deck card rank. (take 1=A, 11=J, 12=Q and 13=K)

Arctic Deck

Use the first table below and the displayed rank to determine the corresponding Standard deck card rank. Start at the cell with the valid number of batteries and the displayed rank and then offset a number of cells to the right equal to the total sum of the digits in the serial number. The table wraps around.

Use the second table below and the displayed suit to determine the corresponding Standard deck card suit. Start at the cell with the valid number of ports and the displayed suit and then offset a number of cells to the left equal to the total sum of the digits in the serial number. The table wraps around.

Nº batteries🡆
Nº Ports🡄

Tropical Deck

Locate the cell with the displayed rank and suit in the map below. The corresponding Standard deck card suit and rank are in the cell adjacent to the located cell in the direction indicated by the color table below, where the correct color is the displayed suit’s color. The map wraps around. (This means, for example, that a blue 4♦ is a 2♣ and a purple 4♠ is 4♠)

A♣ 8♦ 7♠ 6♥ Q♦ J♠ 4♦ K♣ 5♣ 2♥ 3♠ 9♣ 10♥ A♠ 6♦ 2♦ K♠ 7♥ 10♦ 8♣ Q♣ 9♠ J♥ 4♣ 3♥ 5♠ 2♠ 6♠ 4♥ K♦ 5♦ 9♦ 8♥ 7♣ A♦ Q♥ 3♣ 10♠ J♣ K♥ 10♣ A♥ 5♥ 8♠ Q♠ J♦ 2♣ 6♣ 9♥ 7♦ 3♦ 4♠

Oasis Deck

Use the first table below to obtain the displayed suit’s multiplier. Then, multiply the displayed rank by the obtained multiplier (A=1, J=11, Q=12, K=13). If that value is not between 0 and 51, add or subtract 52 to it until it is. Use the obtained value and the second table below to determine the corresponding Standard deck card suit and rank.

Suit Multiplier
Nº of batteries
Nº of ports
Nº of indicators
Serial Number digit total


Celestial Deck

Cards from the Celestial Deck do not have a corresponding Standard Deck card and are never valid. Instead, Celestial Deck cards alter which cards are or not valid in the sequence. This does not retroactively alter what cards were valid previously on the sequence, only cards that come afterwards. Use the table below to determine the new valid suits and ranks.

Name Effects
0 The Fool If the number of modules is greater than the starting bomb time (whole minutes), all ranks are valid. Otherwise, only “2” are valid. Suits remain unchanged.
I The Magician If the serial number contains “S”, Spades are valid. The same is true for “H” and Hearts, “D” and Diamonds and “C” and clubs. If none of these apply, all suits are valid. Ranks remain unchanged.
II The High Priestess If there is at least a AA and a D battery, a lit and an unlit indicator, and a port plate, all suits are valid. Otherwise, only clubs are valid. Ranks remain unchanged.
III The Empress Only “J”, “Q”, “K” and “A” are valid. Only Hearts and Diamonds are valid.
IV The Emperor Only “J”, “Q”, “K” and “A” are valid. Only Spades and Clubs are valid.
V The Hierophant If the day of the week is Saturday or Sunday, all suits are valid. Otherwise, only Diamonds are valid. Ranks remain unchanged.
VI The Lovers Only Hearts are valid. Ranks remain unchanged.
VII The Chariot If the starting bomb time (whole minutes), the number of modules and/or the Serial Number digit total is multiple of 7, all suits are valid. Otherwise, only Spades are valid. Ranks remain unchanged.
VIII Justice If the Serial Number digit total is even, all odd ranks are valid. Otherwise, all even ranks are valid (A=1, J=11, Q=12, K=13). Suits remain unchanged.
Name Effects
IX The Hermit If this is the first Celestial Deck card of the sequence, all ranks are valid. Otherwise, only “8” and “J” are valid. Suits remain unchanged.
X Wheel of Fortune If the Serial Number digit total is not between 0 and 21, add or subtract 22 to it until it is. Apply the effects of the Celestial Deck card that corresponds to the obtained number. If that card is “X - Wheel of Fortune”, instead all ranks and suits are valid.
XI Strength If the number of modules on the bomb is at least 20 and/or the starting bomb time (whole minutes) is at least 30, all ranks are valid. Otherwise, only “Q” and “A” are valid. Suits remain unchanged.
XII The Hanged Man Only “6”, “8” and “9” are valid. Suits remain unchanged.
XIII Death The valid ranks are the ones that were previously not valid. The same is true for suits. (NOTE: This may result in not having any valid suits or ranks)
XIV Temperance If the bomb has one or more Needy modules, all suits are valid. Otherwise, only Spades are valid. Ranks remain unchanged.
XV The Devil Only “6” are valid. Only Hearts and Diamonds are valid.
XVI The Tower Only Ranks smaller than or equal to the number of modules on the bomb are valid (A=1, J=11, Q=12, K=13). Suits remain unchanged.
XVII The Star If only one suit was initially valid, all suits are valid. Otherwise, if both of the initially valid suits are of the same color, the only valid suits are the ones of the opposite color. Otherwise, the valid suit is the one that was both initially valid and was black. Ranks remain unchanged.
XVIII The Moon If there is a “The Moon” module on the bomb, all ranks are valid. Otherwise, only “Q” and “A” are valid. Suits remain unchanged.
Name Effects
XIX The Sun If there is a “The Sun” module on the bomb, all ranks are valid. Otherwise, only “K” and “A” are valid. Suits remain unchanged.
XX Judgement If, after this card, there are 10 or less cards in the sequence, all ranks are valid. Otherwise, only “10” are valid. Suits remain unchanged.
XXI The World If the Serial Number contains a “2”, “2” are valid. The same is true for the digits “3” through “9” for the ranks “3” through “9”, “0” for rank “10”, “J”/“Q”/“K” for the ranks “J”/“Q”/“K”, respectively, and “1” or “A” for the rank “A”. Suits remain unchanged.