On the Subject of The Screw

You know what? Screw this module...

  • The Screw module has 4 buttons with labels A, B, C, and D.
  • 6 holes with colored outlines are located below the buttons.
  • The buttons’ functions change based on which hole the screw is in.
  • Pressing an incorrect button will incur a strike. However, screwing a screw into the wrong hole will not immediately incur a strike, you can change the screw position safely before you press a button.
  • Buttons neither advance towards solving the module nor give a strike if a screw is not inserted into any of the holes.
  • At the start of the bomb, the screw is always in the top left hole.
  • To complete a stage, you must remove the screw from the current hole, screw it into the next correct hole, then press the correct button.
  • The screen at the top left corner of the module shows the current stage of the module.
  • Once three stages have been solved, the module will disarm.

Firstly, determine which color hole the screw must go into.

  • The colored outlines are numbered in reading order from 1–6.
  • The first stage’s hole position is determined by the number of batteries plus amount of unlit indicators.
  • The second stage’s hole position is determined by the rightmost digit in the serial number plus amount of lit indicators.
  • The third stage’s hole position is determined by the number of ports plus amount of battery holders.
  • If the correct hole is the one the screw was already in before this stage, the correct hole is actually the next hole in numeric order.
  • If a value is 7 or greater, subtract 6 until the value is between 1–6. If a value is 0, the actual value is 1.

Secondly, determine which button must be pressed to progress using the following tables:

Outline color is red, yellow, or green:

If the hole is in the top row:

  • If the hole’s position in the row is equal to the number of battery holders, press the button in the fourth position.
  • Otherwise, if the letter A is in the first or third position, press the button labeled C.
  • Otherwise, if the bomb has indicators CLR, FRK, or TRN, press the button in the third position.
  • Otherwise, if the hole shares the same row as the blue hole, press the button in the first position.
  • Otherwise, press the button labeled B.

If the hole is in the bottom row:

  • If the hole’s position in the row is equal to the number of port types, press the button in the second position.
  • Otherwise, if the hole’s position in the row is equal to the number of batteries, press the button labeled D.
  • Otherwise, if the hole is not vertically opposite to the white hole, press the button labeled A.
  • Otherwise, if the hole is horizontally adjacent to the magenta hole, press the button labeled C.
  • Otherwise, press the button in the first position.

Outline color is blue, magenta, or white:

If the hole is in the top row:

  • If the hole’s position in the row is equal to the number of port types, press the button labeled D.
  • Otherwise, if the letter C is in the second or fourth position, press the button labeled B.
  • Otherwise, if the bomb has indicators CAR, FRQ, or SND, press the button in the fourth position.
  • Otherwise, if the hole shares the same row as the red hole, press the button in the second position.
  • Otherwise, press the button labeled A.

If the hole is in the bottom row:

  • If the hole’s position in the row is equal to the number of port plates, press the button in the second position.
  • Otherwise, if the hole’s position in the row is equal to the total number of indicators, press the button labeled A.
  • Otherwise, if the hole is horizontally adjacent to the yellow hole, press the button labeled C.
  • Otherwise, if the hole is not vertically opposite to the green hole, press the button labeled D.
  • Otherwise, press the button in the fourth position.