On the Subject of Toon Enough

Are YOU toon enough?

On the module you will get the picture of the toon’s head with an cog challenge above it.

To defuse this module, figure out if the toon is toon enough to take on the challenge.

On a strike, a new toon will be picked and a new cog challenge will be picked.

The toon’s head will give you info on their species, color, and gender. The table below shows the list of species a toon can be.

Bear Cat Crocodile Deer
Dog Duck Horse Monkey
Mouse Pig Rabbit

If the toon has a bow on their head, it’s gender is female.
Otherwise it’s gender is male.

If you are not able to determine the color, you can click on the toon’s head to display the color.

First use the toon’s species and color to determine their laff:

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Pink Brown
Cat 76 92 23 56 133 115 27 15
Dog 124 21 44 41 31 106 48 95
Duck 79 125 100 39 104 128 99 86
Rabbit 107 28 87 51 73 130 91 88
Horse 113 71 136 37 67 112 90 72
Pig 127 119 105 114 134 45 55 24
Monkey 26 82 49 65 98 63 60 102
Mouse 75 85 68 58 34 129 80 59
Bear 61 101 81 18 122 123 19 53
Deer 77 16 89 47 62 22 116 94
Crocodile 43 69 118 93 40 57 36 135

To determine what gags the toon has, follow the next instructions:

Toons by default will already have Throw and Squirt gags.

Start at the top of the tree and take the path according to conditions. For every path you take, you will run into a gag name in which the toon will have that gag. Where to stop is based on the toon’s laff:

  • If the toon has 61 or more laff, stop after step 4.
  • Otherwise, if the toon has 52 or more laff, stop after step 3.
  • Otherwise, if the toon has 34 or more laff, stop after step 2.
  • Otherwise, if the toon has 25 or more laff, stop after step 1.
  • Otherwise, the toon only has 2 gags.

Step 1: If the toon’s species is a Dog, Rabbit, Horse, Monkey, Mouse, or Bear, follow the left path. Otherwise, follow the right path.

Step 2: If the toon’s color is Brown, Purple, Yellow, or Green, follow the right path. Otherwise follow the left path.

Step 3: If the toon’s gender is male, follow the left path. Otherwise, follow the right path.

Step 4: If the toon’s laff is more than 97, follow the right path. Otherwise, follow the left path.

Gag chart

After figuring out what gags the toon has, next you have to calculate each gag’s level.

The Throw gag level is calculated like this: ((LAST SN# + DR(laff)) % 7) + 1.
DR - Digital Root: Take the sum of the digits until the number is less than 10.
If the toon’s laff is 52 or more and the Throw’s level is less than 5, make it 5.

The Squirt gag level is calculated like this: ((FIRST SN# + (laff % 10)) % 7) + 1

Now take the serial number and remove the first and last digit (EX: Q64AZ7 -> Q4AZ).

In the order you picked up the gags, use the remaining characters of the serial number to determine each level:
For a digit: (# % 7) + 1
For a letter: ((alphanumeric position + 9) % 7) + 1

Sound − Q = (26 % 7) + 1 = 6
Lure − 4 = (4 % 7) + 1 = 5
Trap − A = (10 % 7) + 1 = 4
Drop − Z = (35 % 7) + 1 = 1

Use the gag track and the level in the following table to get a number. Do this for each gag track and take the sum of all the numbers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Toon-up 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
Trap 2 3 4 5 10 15 20
Lure 1 3 7 14 20 26 36
Sound 2 4 8 16 24 32 40
Throw 2 4 8 12 18 24 32
Squirt 1 3 5 9 15 21 29
Drop 2 3 4 5 10 15 20
Then take their laff divided by 10 (removing any decimals/fractions) and add that to the sum.
Next step is determining if they are an uber or not:
If the toon is carrying 2 gags:
If the toon has at least 1 level 6 or higher gag and l level 4 or higher gag, it’s an uber.
Otherwise, the toon is not an uber.

Otherwise, if the toon is carrying 3 gags:
If the toon has at least 2 level 6 or higher gags, it’s an uber.
Otherwise, the toon is not an uber.

Otherwise, if the toon is carrying 4 gags:
If the toon has at least 2 level 6 or higher gags, it’s an uber.
Otherwise, if the toon has 1 level 6 or higher gag and at least 2 level 5 gags or higher, it’s an uber.
Otherwise, the toon is not an uber.

Otherwise, the toon is not an uber.
If the toon is an uber, add 25 points to the sum.
If there are 3 or more batteries on the bomb, and the challenge is a building, add 20 to your sum for the low level Cog Invasion!

The sum is your final toon score of how toon enough they are.

To find the challenge number, use the pictures down below to
find the challenge and use it’s number below the picture.

58 60 63 66
69 65 78 80
82 79 81 83
85 85 87 89
73 85 87 90

If the toon score is equal to or greater than the challenge number, they are toon enough to take on the challenge. Otherwise, they are not toon enough to take on the challenge.