On the Subject of Tripping Triangles

No, you’re not hitting the ground.

Please see Appendix 1PP1NG for identifying modules in the Triangles family.

This module will have 9 triangles on it. Each triangle is coloured red, yellow, or blue, and can alternate its colour between two colours. To solve the module, all valid triangles must be pressed. Pressing an invalid triangle will cause a strike. If no more valid triangles are present on the module after pressing a triangle, the module will solve. Note that triangles turn off when pressed, regardless of validity.

Identifying valid triangles:

Each triangle refers to another. To find out which triangle a triangle refers to, first cross-reference its two colours in the table below to obtain its true colour.

Red Yellow Blue
Red Red Blue Yellow
Yellow Blue Yellow Red
Blue Yellow Red Blue

Then, once you get the triangle’s true colour, refer to the below diagram, while also noting the triangle’s orientation, to find out which adjacent triangle it refers to. Triangles matching the orientation and colour shown in the diagram refer to the triangle reached by following the direction of the corresponding arrow. This does not wrap around. A triangle is valid if it is not referred to by any other triangle. When a triangle is pressed, it turns off and no longer refers to any other triangles.