On the Subject of Varicolored Squares

Conformity is key. Patterns encourage conformity. Find the pattern, and conformity will naturally arise.

See Appendix of Colored Squares for identifying modules in Colored Squares family.

  • Pressing a square will cause it to flash white and may cause other squares to change color. Make all squares have the same color to disarm the module.
  • Pressing any square of the valid color will progress the module by causing all squares connected to the square pressed first which match its color to change to the pressed color. If this does not increase in size after three presses, the color of the pressed square will change.
  • To begin, press a square of the color occurring 4 times. If the remaining colors aren’t in 4 groups of 3, you are looking at a different module.
  • Then use Table A to determine the next valid color.
  • Pressing an incorrect square will result in a strike and reset the module.

Table A

Consider the list of distinct colors adjacent to the flashing square and use the table below. Note that “adjacent” squares are the squares immediately above, below, left, and right of a given square.

Colors Rule
1The next valid color is the color which is counter-clockwise from the adjacent color in the correct pentagon in Table B.
2If the two colors are adjacent in the correct pentagon in Table B, the next valid color is the color which is opposite those two colors.
Otherwise, the next valid color is the color which is between those two colors.
3If the three colors are adjacent in the correct pentagon in Table B, the next valid color is the color which is opposite the two colors not present.
Otherwise, the next valid color is the color which is between the two colors not present.
4The next valid color is the color which is not present.
Note: if, at any point, the valid color is the same as the color pressed previously or no squares are present of the valid color, the valid color changes to the color clockwise from the valid color in the correct pentagon in Table B.

Table B

Consider the color of the currently flashing square and use the table below. Each letter refers to the color starting with that letter.

Red Blue
Green Yellow