On the Subject of fitting IN!
Difficulty 4-6 are not recommended for beginners.
Upon choosing a difficulty level, you will be presented with a grid, and a series of tetrominos.
A board is considered “cleared” once all pieces are placed into the grid.
You will have four minutes to clear a certain number of boards. Higher difficulties will require more clears and more tetrominos for each grid.
To place pieces, select all four blocks you want to place it in. It can be freely rotated, as long as the overall shape matches. If you select a block you do not want to place it in, select it again to remove it.
You can also take back already placed pieces. Simply select the piece in the grid to highlight it, and select it again to remove. It will be placed at the end of the list of tetrominos, to come back to later.
A strike is given if you run out of time.
If you finish, you will receive points equal to the difficulty level, squared. Get 36 points to win.
The music will be muted when deselected. If a board is already generated, it will start playing again when you reselect it.
Notes on user accounts
All account names are three characters long, and require a 6-input password, done on the 6x6 grid. Accounts cannot share the same username.
You will never be told back your password, so make sure to remember it, or write it down.
Promotional exams will occur semi-randomly, but only when you can consistently play above your current grade. Passing the exam will semi-permanently raise your grade.