On the Subject of hexOrbits

“These bomb-defusing people seemed to really like the hexOS Boot Manager for some reason... maybe they’ll enjoy the programs that hexOS can run as well!”

The module has a blank screen display, and four buttons around it. To activate the module and advance through "Reading", interact with the display and only the display.


0 1 2 F 0 5 4 E
E D 6 3 6 6 8 B
4 1 8 1 F 9 E A
F C C A 9 5 E 7
8 1 F 0 4 C 1 7
5 7 2 B E 3 5 C
3 E B 4 7 A 1 7
F 3 9 9 4 8 F F

Upon first interaction, a pointer will be randomly placed within the table array to the right. This array is one-dimensional, reads from left-to-right then top-to-bottom, and wraps around. The display will always show the pointer’s cell within the table, represented in hexadecimal.

However, as the display cannot show raw text, it instead displays two stacked shapes rotating at 2 different speeds.

A table of all shape-to-hexadecimal translations is provided, with the following abbreviation:

Shape to Hexadecimal
Fast Shape
Slow shape
s 0 1 2 3
p 4 5 6 7
x 8 9 A B
h C D E F

[S]quare, [P]entagon, He[x]agon, [H]eptagon

Every time an interaction is made with the module after the first, the pointer moves forward by an unchanging distance between 1–4 steps forward through the array, displaying the new value.

After 4 display interactions, the pointer returns to its initial position.


To solve this module, take the cell that the pointer would have moved on its 5th iteration, and submit that cell by encoding it into shapes, pressing the slow-representative button first, and the fast-representative button second.

You cannot undo a button press, and the module instantly submits after two button presses. Inputting the wrong hexadecimal code will cause the module to issue a strike, but this will not reset the module.