
KTaNE References


The various text throughout the puzzle hint at two modules each, specifically their flavor texts. One hints at a module with a number in it's name, and the other hints at a module which references a video game. The former is used to order the entries (1 to 9), and the other is used for the extraction.

Text "Number" Module"Game" Module
A mind blowing game into crying profusely. What a man! Chamber No. 5Antichamber
Even in the face of disaster, we are willing to los! Panik! Eight Tiles PanicBakery
(Cookie Clicker)
I hope RubRub doesn’t eat to keep his strength up, man One Item One MealGeometry Dash
Just be glad you’re not being sent down in the real gravity defying balls. 9-BallIron Lung
Congratulations. The October Labor Lottery is complete. Something surprisingly fitting for a bomb was pulled, to be perfectly honest. Seven Deadly SinsPassport Control
(Papers, Please)
This poorly programmed nyoom device is as maddening with its slow nyooms as it is unforgiving with ill-timed nyooms. nyoom required. Two BitsPointless Machines
Initiating protocol.” - Someone who somehow miraculously survived two Angry Salamanders. Rule of ThreeThe Bioscanner
(Jackbox Party Pack 6)
…and a dream, which is Latin? SixTenThe Witness
Sad fact: no pineapple spins that bitch! Turn FourUltimate Custom Night

The 6 or 7 hashes present underneath each text represent a specific number, namely the Steam ID for the game it's referencing (which can be found in the URL).

#GameSteam IDRed A1Z26
1Geometry Dash322170B
3Jackbox Party Pack 61005300A
4Ultimate Custom Night871720T
6The Witness210970A
7Papers, Please239030B
8Cookie Clicker1454400E
9Iron Lung1846170R

Converting the red numbers using A1Z26 reveals the answer.